Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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quenterror in the post "Concerning the 50% Rule"

2022-02-07 07:07

the realm of possibilities are endless when it comes to art but I can try and explain what methods i found successful when I didn't know "what to draw" and still use to this day.

Everybody thinks differently and sees beauty in different things so me saying "you should draw _____" isn't going to as beneficial as you figuring out what you want to draw on your own. So instead of me telling you what specific thing you should draw, im going to give you the resources/methods that I found the most beneficial when I was trying to figure out "what i should draw".

Not knowing what to draw can be demoralizing, especially in the beginning.The good news is the ability to come up with creative concepts is a skill that will progress over time and you will get extremely good at it. You'll have ideas flooding your head before you know it.

These are the methods that gave me the best results :

first make a list of drawing ideas in your phones notes. jot down ideas/notes/concepts you like. ANYTHING you think that there is a slight possibility that you might consider drawing it... write it down. you don't have to draw everything you write down but this way you'll at least have a never ending list that you can always look back on when you cant think of anything. The things you write down will also build off of eachother and lead to even more ideas

you can jot down ideas from any aspect of your life if it interest you at all. If you watching tv or a movie and somethings pops in your head write it down, if your day dreaming or about to fall asleep and think about some creature , if you see an artist while scrolling through reddit or instagram and you like the style they are going for, some cool design on someones t shirt, etc. can be anything. if it interests you, make a note and let those notes stew in your phone.

another thing that helped was looking at inktober prompts from previous years. 31 different drawing prompts from every year. usually the prompts are unique and will give you some ideas. even if youre hesitant on a prompt, i say give it a shot. drawing a plethora of things you wouldnt typically draw will only make brainstorming things to draw easier.

it doesnt even need to be inktober, theres tons of drawing prompts people participate in all year round, you can find tons of them online.

watching sketchbook tours on YouTube is also a great tool that helped me. If you see the things other artist decided to draw, youll get better at deciding what to draw as well.

hell you can even use reddit. there's tons of art related subreddits you can utilize in an effort to get better at coming up w ideas. you can participate in drawing requests like r/redditgetsdrawn or r/icandrawthat. you can look for inspiration in other peoples before/after journeys on things like r/artprogresspics. you can checkout r/artcrit and see what advice artists give to other artists and incorporate into your own art. There's also things like r/imsorryjohn and other niche subs that people post all kinds of wierd but inspiring art. Lastly, r/sketchdaily . one prompt each day.

hopefully something in there helped steer you in the right direction.