Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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quabl in the post "ArtSchoolDB - A remarkably comprehensive listing of art schools of all kinds"

2016-02-28 16:57

Hello. I'm Andrew, the guy that runs ArtSchoolDB. Thanks for linking to the site and thanks to everyone who checked it out.

I wanted to address some of the things you guys mentioned.

I've gone back and forth on what types of schools to include. Someone mentioned for-profit schools. I started by listing primarily small ateliers and academies. For example I'm a student at the Ani Art Academy Waichulis. Schools like LAAFA, Grand Central Atelier, Concept Design Academy, Watts Atelier, all seem like affordable options that provide high quality education. You don't get a degree, but nobody cares about an art degree. Online schools are also heavily featured.

I wasn't sure whether to include some of the bigger, ridiculously expensive schools like Art Center or RISD, but eventually I did. I figure it's better for people to see what their options are.

I don't include universities or colleges unless they are specifically art schools. This is partly personal bias. I went to a very prestigious university after high school and was not impressed by what I saw there.

SVA isn't on the list right now because I took down the page for it. They employ some sort of service that will notify you if you don't have the right info or images on your site if it's related to SVA. I was supposed update the logo I was using and haven't gotten around to it. They are one of the schools I feel iffy about listing. Tuition's too high, plus cost of living in NYC.

Again, thanks for checking out the site. If any of you have suggestions to make it better, or you know of schools that should be featured let me know. The best way to get in touch would be through the contact page on the site.