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Physikeff in the post "[Question] What are the best "cheats" to draw a portrait on canvas"

2022-04-18 22:24

Once again thanks I'll check both videos. Yea /u/ZombieButch answer didn't help at all because I don't want to just make a copy of a picture of my father like a copy machine. I want to make a portrait that will be recognizable and when he sees it he will know it's him and I don't care about the concept of cheating, that's what I was trying to emphasize at least.

Now that I look at watercoloring from Drawing Art Academy the concept of coloring seems pretty intimidating so I think I'll stick to black pen, some charcoal and mid tones brush pen. I'll try to figure out what I'm going to do about the art style since I don't really have one yet. My only experience is drawabox up to almost the end of lesson 3, 2 more plants, and some tiny things from the 50% rule which in my case is more like the 2% rule since I started with that pretty late)

Once again thanks for taking the time to reply in such depth

Physikeff in the post "[Question] What are the best "cheats" to draw a portrait on canvas"

2022-04-18 20:16

wow thnx so much for the detailed reply. I'll have a look at NMA though I have a feeling it's a bit of an overkill for what I'm planning. And also I agree with everything you said about "cheating", that's why I used that phrase in parentheses and also explained why I don't care in this particular case just to avoid that topic in advance. I remembered from your 50% rule video that you said we shouldn't trace over another image, and some might look at it as a painting that's done in the 50% rule realm meaning it's a drawing for myself that's not for learning purposes. Although I might present it if it's "not too bad" imo. It all depends on how things go. I want to be prepared well enough in advance and I do have something like 6 months to finish (while also having a full time job but still) so I think it'll turn out alright :)