Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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OwieMustDie in the post "Are drawing skills like "riding a bike", once you know how to do it you never forget? Or do you have to continue practicing to not lose your skill?"

2022-09-18 20:48

If I want to feel like I'm improving, then yes. But that's just my own thing. And I don't do it in one sitting. I'll typically break it into blocks of 15-20 minutes. But if I'm feeling it, I can comfortably sit there for an hour at a time.

OwieMustDie in the post "Are drawing skills like "riding a bike", once you know how to do it you never forget? Or do you have to continue practicing to not lose your skill?"

2022-09-18 18:13

Bit of both.

My ability skyrockets within a few weeks of drawing regularly (at minimum a few hours a day). Conversely, it plummets just as fast.