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ossadeimorti in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-09-02 21:06


Somehow I completely missed that part in the video. I'll do another page to try the box method :)

ossadeimorti in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-09-02 17:01

Cylinders https://imgur.com/gallery/5jgrJLf

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-08-12 09:26

Thanks a lot for the detailed (and very fast!) comments :)

There's a lot to process, so I think I will spend a little more time on this lesson working on the issues you pointed before moving to the next one.

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-08-11 19:19

Lesson 3 https://imgur.com/gallery/MuxCkkl

I'm working on the cylinder challenge (~30%) and the texture challenge (~20%)

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-07-09 08:46

Thanks for your reply!

- Yes, I struggle with contour curves. But I'd say it's a problem with curves in general. I ghost them many times, but pretty often I lose control while drawing them. I think it's visible also when I'm adding weight to curves.

- I was a bit lost drawing those textures, I just went with the flow. I'm sure the challenge will help me a lot :D

- I used more foreshortening as I went on with the pages as I was struggling a bit with a subtler one. I noticed that I ended up getting wrong perspectives and I overcompensated by foreshortening too much. I also thought I was supposed to add line weight only to "intersections" I deliberately left the lines very light in the last page :(

Thanks again!

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-07-08 15:07

Here's my attempt at lesson2: https://imgur.com/gallery/V7GtQUh


ossadeimorti in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-06-26 09:11

Thanks for your feedback :)

ossadeimorti in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-06-25 19:01

Boxes! https://imgur.com/gallery/fVw6ABq

I can't believe I did it! Soon after starting I noticed I was drawing with my elbow, so there's a bit of a dip in quality when I switched to the shoulder :)

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-05-12 06:20

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this answer :)

The organic perspective was much harder than I expected, I made a lot of mistakes and my lines quality suffered too. I hope the box challenge will help me!

I thought I uploaded both of the rough perspective pages, but I must have miss ed it :(

ossadeimorti in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-05-11 20:34

Hi! Here's my submission https://imgur.com/gallery/NxbudrP

ossadeimorti in the post "Drawabox, /r/ArtFundamentals and Reddit going forward. My plans for the future, and the chance to include you lot in on the discussion."

2018-05-08 06:41


ossadeimorti in the post "Drawabox, /r/ArtFundamentals and Reddit going forward. My plans for the future, and the chance to include you lot in on the discussion."

2018-05-07 21:59

I'd like for the single exercises not to be all grouped together like now. Sometimes it's hard to find where something is, or it's just annoying having to expand a couple of sections to find what's needed