Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Nyaungh in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-04 23:57

aw thanks man,

You're right on both parts.

  1. the fear is always the thing that gets you. Can't let that get me.

  2. There's like at least 5 dildos in the background that I snuck in.

Nyaungh in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-04 03:34

I'm Nyaungh, and I'm 20-25. I've been drawing on and off for about a year. I've taken classes on animation and cartoons.

I want to be able to express myself in really poetic ways, hence wanting to get better at sketching.

I got nothing to really show, but hopefully, I will.

hahah. thats actually a lie, I actually do have some stuff, but I'm not comfortable sharing it, even anonymously.

I found this subreddit through /u/uncomfortable post on r/learnart