Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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NuggleBuggins in the post "Concept Art Empire - A new website with helpful tips and advice for aspiring concept artists. Found it because they were kind enough to write a review of Drawabox! (No one mentions DaB without me knowing about it)"

2016-06-16 21:21

Of course! I know when I was first starting, I was desperately searching for progress pictures, haha. Hopefully this will help some people out.

NuggleBuggins in the post "Concept Art Empire - A new website with helpful tips and advice for aspiring concept artists. Found it because they were kind enough to write a review of Drawabox! (No one mentions DaB without me knowing about it)"

2016-06-16 21:02

Dude, this is amazing, thank you so much. And also congratulations! Your sub-reddit, was the absolute first step I took on my path of improving my art, in hopes of becoming a concept artist. I am not there yet. But, I've been drawing almost every day, for a little over a year now, and I have seen massive improvements in abilities. Your teachings and advice have lead me to where I am today, and I can't thank you enough. Just wanted to let everyone know, to stick with it, and don't give up. There are moments of doubt, but just fight through them and keep going. You will start to see results. I still have a long way to go, but ever since I started to see improvement, I know that there is a bright horizon at the end of this road. Cheers /u/Uncomfortable! And thanks again!

NuggleBuggins in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2014-12-30 15:52

Wooo! Thank you!! You have helped me so much! Also, I wanted to ask you, If I somehow make it all the way to the end before you have new lessons up, can I go back and redo older lessons? I would like to go back and do them again too see how much better I am the second time around as compared to the first. And I feel like it will also help me reinforce the things you have already taught me!

NuggleBuggins in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2014-12-29 23:54

Homework I feel like these were a little better.. Towards the end, I was trying to just imagine how I would draw the facial features and just shrink it all by about 20%.

NuggleBuggins in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2014-12-28 00:13

Okay, So I used a ruler this time, just to make sure I was measuring things out properly. I still feel like my proportions are wrong. I am almost positive it is because all of my facial features are just completely screwed up. The mouths and eyes all look too big, and the noses are always just funky looking. Sometimes (especially on the one I wrote "wrong" on) the ears are way to long. And I don't even know how it is possible since I followed the proportions. And of course, again, none of them even closely resemble the photo reference. On the upside, my George Clooney drawing kind of looks like a combination of Bill Clinton and George Bush! :D


NuggleBuggins in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2014-12-27 20:51

Still having some problems with proportions I feel like, Unless I am just crazy haha. And I promise I am not trying to make them look creepy.. they are just coming out like that :/


NuggleBuggins in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2014-12-26 19:40

I am doing something wrong here, I feel like my proportions are off even though I am following you instruction. For one, I feel like if I extend the box one more unit, the chin is Way too far down, maybe I am doing it wrong some how? I also feel like my eyes are way off and because they are, my mouth is off as well. Also, for some reason, all of my faces have this weird cartoony look and they all look like crazy people (aside from the eyes pointing in different directions, I did that on purpose because I thought it looked funny hehe) Anyways, these are purely my construction sketches. I tried to do some portraits, but failed miserably. the last page is supposed to be Jim Carreys face.


NuggleBuggins in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-22 01:48

So, I was still having problems with 3/4 views, even after just reducing the shapes to boxes. I feel like it was mainly because my perspective on the boxes was wrong. So I decided to do this to try and improve my box drawing abilities.


NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-13 01:57

This is the tank I was using for those last 2 drawings

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-12 05:49

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, But whatever it is, ALL of it is wrong haha..

I feel like I am still having trouble with getting these proportions right. This all seemed like it would be so simple in my head haha. homework For now, I am getting super frustrated so I am going to go ahead and take your advice and move on to more simple, household objects. But any more advice would be super helpful. I will be coming back to vehicles.

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-12 03:54

Quick question, If I were doing this step by step, am I supposed to be drawing the box and sub dividing it first? Or am I supposed to be drawing wheels first, then the box around that?

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-10 21:31

My god... Mech stuff is definitely not a strong suit for me :/ Do your worst haha. I feel like I am having a lot of difficulty getting proportions right inside of the box, even after I subdivide it up. homework!

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-03 03:11

Hello again!

So, I am reading through this lesson, and I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask. Could you explain the "little more then one" rule? Does it always have to be the third tire?

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-30 23:29

Hello again! Sorry about the delay, was gone for the thanksgiving holidays. Anyways, I went ahead and drew some more animals.. I feel like I am getting the hang of it a little more. Also, I am not sure if this is cheating according to your lesson or not, but I started doing my layins with red ink? Its still a felt tip pen, its just easier for me to keep things clean this way. If you would prefer me to go back to only using black, I totally will.


NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-26 22:58

here ya go! Markhor

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-26 22:02

Hahah I told you! Ima go ahead and burn that drawing now. And will do! Ill get right on it! And thank you about the edge quality! I picked it up in the plant lesson!

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-26 18:32

Hello again!

So, I am having some serious issues with this project. I went ahead and stopped what I was doing to see if you can take a look at what I've done, Because I definitely need your advice on this one. Trying to get away from super scratchy lines is really messing with me I feel like every stroke I lay down is wrong. And I don't know if I am putting in my layins incorrectly or what, But I cant seem to stick to the original lay in. My drawings just seem to get away from them and then I just have these awkward little circles floating in the middle of my drawings. The cheetah one is just... So Bad... I can't even look at it haha.

Anyways, I just wanted to see if you could help me out at all and then I will start over. I had actually "started over" on all of these but each one was worse then the last :/

homework attempt

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-25 18:56

Will Do! I've been told that before, about the lines that is. My other instructors have mentioned about the sketchy lines, as well as my extremely heavy hand :/ Something I have been trying to work on for a while. I always feel like it is a little easier for more to build out a form, from a mess of lines (I start many of my drawings with just a bunch of random scribbles on the page and then try to find forms within them). I will try and focus more on planting solid lines though. any advice on doing that? I know that's a pretty open ended question to ask haha, but any advice would be helpful! As for heavy hand-ness.. I always feel like I am doing a good job of it at the very start of my drawings, but as my drawings progress, my hand gets heavier and heavier without me even realizing it. It's probably a bit more difficult to see with ink drawings, but if we ever move onto pencil I am sure you will notice.

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-25 08:08

Alrighty! I am back with another assignment! This one was a lot of fun! I never realized how much repetition there is in insects! Homework

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-22 03:07

Okay, Got you some more to look at haha.. Sorry this is taking me so long to do, I feel like this is something I should have been able to pick up pretty quickly, not sure what my deal is :/ Also, Sorry this is all crammed onto 2 pages, I ran out of paper in my sketch book at work today and I didn't bring a back up! Homework

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-21 22:27

Sorry to bother you again, especially without work to show, But drawing cylinders aside, I just feel like I'm not getting what it is I should be focusing on. I keep falling into the trap of focusing to much on the final form of it all, I am trying desperately not too, but if I just try to quickly sketch something out, its too loose and doesn't read at all. I can barley even tell what it is, and I drew it! I feel for something like this my strokes should be more fluid and confident, but I am just not getting it. would you maybe have any advice on this? If not I will just keep chuggin away at what I am doing.. I just feel like I am going to turn it in and it is going to be wrong... again haha.

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-20 20:59

Got it! I will try and focus more on basic forms then final render.

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-20 20:15

hmmm, yea I think you are correct. When I am drawing these my basic process is: try to lightly block in the shape of the plant, then draw out the edges, and then draw out details. Maybe I should spend more time on blocking in the overall shape? And when I am drawing in the edges, I think you are right about me trying to not draw lines that don't exist. Should I not do that? I'm sure there is a "sweet spot" when it comes to that kind of thing. Mixing the actual image with imagination? I think I am going to try and just break down a bunch of different plants, into super basic forms (cubes, cylinders, cones, etc..)

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-20 06:23

Alrighty! So I tried to focus more on over all shape and form of the plants this time. Definitely think it helped out a lot. Still having a little trouble on the trees, But I think your note on balancing out noise and blank space was very helpful.

Homework pt.2

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-19 20:13

Awesome, thank you for the advice. I will try and focus more on the things that you mentioned on my next go around!

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-19 17:43

Thank you for getting back to me. I will start on this asap. Quick question though, When it comes to things like bushes/trees, plants with lots and lots of leaves, is it typical to just kind've guesstimate the leaves and fill in? Or should I be making a conscious decision to try and draw in each leaf? When I look at something like a tree, I don't even know where to start or how to go about doing the leaves. If I try and draw each leaf, I lose concentration quickly and just get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of leaves that need to be drawn. On the other hand, if I try and just fill, I end up hating the way it looks and want to just start over.

NuggleBuggins in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-19 06:32

Hello! So, I decided to go ahead and post what I have now, even though its not finished yet. I wanted to see if you could go ahead and take a look at what I've done so far and see if maybe you could help me out. Then I could take another stab at it. Homework I feel like I am not doing to great of a job at this one. I've never really drawn plants before, and even after I put in the layouts the plant is still so overwhelming. Maybe I am approaching it from the wrong angle or something? I dunno. I'd really appreciate any light you could shed on the situation! Thank you!

NuggleBuggins in the post "Why do I recommend doing the exercises in ink vs digitally?"

2014-11-17 01:22

I agree that the way to learn should be first traditional, and then transferred over to digital. I am by no means an expert on the matter, But I have learned 90% of what I know through traditional means. I probably started fooling around with digital a couple of years ago, and I kind of dropped all forms of traditional, aside from the occasional doodles. And since switching back to traditional I am constantly finding myself trying to find the easy way out after I mess something up. As soon as I make a misplaced stroke I immediately think "CMD Z! CMD Z!" and then realize that I can't fix it with the push of a button, and will just have to deal with the mistake. I also believe that skills learned traditionally transfer over to digital much better than digital to traditional.