Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Not_It_At_All in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-28 23:56

Hey Uncomfortable,

Finished the 250 Box Challenge just in time for March! This was definitely a long --and at times, tedious-- journey. But I could definitely feel myself improving, and looking back at where I started I can see I've gotten a lot better at drawing boxes. I stopped hexing my boxes at the end because (1) I didn't feel like I needed anymore to understand visually which sides of the box were closer and (2) I like the hex-less boxes more in terms of aesthetics.

Here is my 250 Box Challenge submission.

Previous Submissions

Lesson One

Not_It_At_All in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-02-01 02:04

I've finally finished lesson one, and just in time for February! I've been working on these exercises since about the beginning of December, though everything I'm submitting I drew within the past week and a half.

I won't venture into self-critique, but I think its useful to note that I switched from using Staedtler pens to Sakura Microns at the end of the Rough Perspective Boxes exercise. Maybe its because I was just beginning, but I felt like it was really easy to flatten out the nibs of the Staedtler pens, making the ink flow pretty poor. I'm enjoying the Microns a lot more, and can feel myself using lighter strokes because I'm afraid of ruining another pen.

Anyways, here is my lesson one submission.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!