Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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noselike in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-06-26 19:45

Thank you for the detailed advice.

I think getting myself to stop trying to correct my trajectories while the pen is on the paper is going to be one of my bigger challenges. My hand tries it even if I'm moving the pen pretty quickly, but I guess that's just what practice is for. And here I was hoping that I at least wouldn't have to unlearn too many bad habits if I really had no experience drawing. Doesn't help that it really bugs me when something doesn't look accurate. But that's life.

I'll go for the 250 box challenge then. And keep doing the rest of lesson 1 as warmup.

The shoulder thing is mostly me not quite having the feeling for whether I'm actually moving from my shoulder or elbow. So I tend to rotate my arm into positions where I'm sure that my elbow can't possibly be making the motion I'm trying to achieve. It's a bit weird, but I'll get used to it.

noselike in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-06-24 22:08

Hi. I'm annoyed about being a person who "can't draw", so now I thought I'd properly do something about it. I like your approach, concrete, specific exercises with an actual explanation on what I'm supposed to do are a lot better than what I got in art class in school 18 years or so ago.

I found drawing from the shoulder pretty challenging because the mechanics seemed really unnatural when I try to keep my elbow completely still. Is it supposed to be like that?

Here's the homework assignments: http://imgur.com/a/QWlgr

I got really annoyed at the rotated boxes. I know it's supposed to be too hard at this point, but somehow I kept hitting a point where I started fresh because of how bad my attempt looked. Attempt 33 still isn't as good as I'd like but at some point I just wanted to finish something.