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Noerbrau in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-08-22 21:51

Alright, I see your point.

As soon as you mention shading (which is why i specifically talk about cast shadows rather than form shadows), students stop worrying about using silhouettes to convey proper 3D form.

That's a drawback I didn't consider ! Your approach makes sense, in that case.

Noerbrau in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-08-22 21:33

Hi, coming from another person about to start the lesson, thanks a lot for submitting your preliminary pages and for the pinterest board !

Noerbrau in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-08-22 21:22

Thank you !! To be honest, I hated the texture work at first. I never tried to render texture before and it is not something I prioritize, so I cursed having to do this to finish the lesson. But after the first few clicked, it became addictive. It was very very useful for learning to observe detail and relate it to light and shadow, and I ended up really proud of the progress.

Is it OK if I give my unrequited opinion here ? (since you've already identified me as the annoying student... :) ) Many people submit texture that look very 2D and flat, even when they wrap it around the form. They don't indicate shadow. IMO, that's probably due to the fact that most beginners have not seen an image like this. While you explain that the transition from light to dark is due to the cast shadows increasing and merging, it's missing two aspects : 1) core shadows count too, 2) overall, the black => white transition has to follow a surface line around the underlying organic form. There's been several people struggling with textures for whom this explanation would have been useful IMO. Now you probably have reasons for not including this here. Maybe it's too much information at this stage or it's outside of the scope of the class. I just wanted to give my two cents :)

Thank you a lot for your detailed review and your very motivating feedback ! I'm going to progress with the work, at a slower rythm now that the holidays are over.

Noerbrau in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-08-21 21:34

Hi, here is my homework for this lesson. It was hard but very useful. The organic shapes were fun, organic intersections were harder but I made some progress in the end, especially with line weight. There is still space for progress and it's kind of a mystery how to improve there, unlike with geometric intersections where I can just trace the planes or use a 3D software. Practice is the key, I guess. (or maybe looking at piles of worms ??)

Geometric intersections were hard to keep consistent over a whole page and I would struggle if I had to make them denser or more complicated. Other people have made much more convincing stuff. Maybe I should use a 3D software for help.

I included some experimentations with texture as well as the actual homework at the end. Texture probably took me longer than all the rest included, but it made me make a lot of progress. I tried to go from complete black to white as you advised.

Also, I'm still working on the boxes, I'll update them when I have more.