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NoddingKing in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-20 00:49

It's been a little while since I've had time to sit down and draw, and I think it shows.

I don't think these came out particularly well, but it's good to at least be putting out work again.

Lesson 2.1

NoddingKing in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-06 00:40

More cubes.

I need to work on making straight lines / making my hand go where I want it to go.

NoddingKing in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-04 00:48

Tonights cubes, I've mostly put weight on the front side to make it easier to distinguish which side is which (looking back at the last ones I did, some of them I think I'm looking at them differently to you? 16 for example, the bigger face is the front, it's facing downwards. I'm sure there's plenty of other mistakes that's making it harder to figure out what's going on though, so from now on I'll put weight the front).


NoddingKing in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-02 00:16

I haven't had much time the past few days (well, I probably could have but after a full day at work I find it hard to pick up a pen and draw - aimless internetting for an hour before bed is so much easier heh) but here's the first 40.

You can see the first few I'm still warming up (I do a separate warm up for a few minutes but am still always a bit stiff when I start), then I start to get into it, then the last few I'm rushing / getting a bit bored.

I think I draw too slowly, this took me an hour to do... I don't mind but I find it hard to focus on something so monotonous for long periods of time . If I stop I'll have to spend another 20 minutes warming up again, but if I carry on I'll subconsciously rush everything so it still comes out badly.

Oh well, it'll go with practice I think.

I'll push for 100 boxes and at that point I think I'll do ~20 boxes each day as my warm up to the next lesson, is that ok?