Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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No_But_A_Tin_Can in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-16 17:53

Hey there Uncomfortable, here is my first submission for Lesson 1. I did a few extra on the ones I've been struggling on, still struggling but hopefully less so with each iteration. I'll keep at them for now though I figure it's about time to submit!

Here is the link

Thanks for putting this up and doing this for all of us. I'm going the self-taught route and your tutorials really make it easier to see the tangible results of practice, and your explanations for each exercise kinda helps with the confidence in knowing I'm not just flailing around in the Internet's infinite resource bucket for Beginner's Drawing.

Anyways, thanks again!