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Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-10-08 19:53

Heres my lesson 5. http://imgur.com/a/MjMi3 and http://imgur.com/a/UwMbl Not sure if filled required pages for each animal due quite lot of them and didnt include all of them here because how many i did. Also decided to focus bit more on lay-ins rather than worrying about details

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-10-02 20:06

Yeah i deleted it i felt like it wasnt enough to match up with those 4 pages. Started checking how much i actually did and it felt it just wasnt enough. Was planning to do few more pages tomorrow and repost it. But well you saw it and thank you very much.

Whole thing was probably always inside me but got so distracted by everything. Like creating form, worrying about lines, worrying about details then everything just fell apart.

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-10-01 20:05

Thank you very much.

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-10-01 19:47

Yeah was thinking whole day today what im missing and came to a conclusion that i should spent bit more time watching and imagining reference image. So got question regarding contours. This has probably lot to do personal preference but i've been kind of struggling which way to go especially with legs. Should i create form first then find where contour line or make contour line first and then make form around it.

Also not related my homework but can i receive critique if i jump to human anatomy for while after this lesson is completed?

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-09-30 21:40

Heres lesson 4 http://imgur.com/a/ploWe

Hopefully once again taken some baby steps. Like always thanks for your hard work

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-29 20:33

Thank you very much. Have to put on wall reminder for this and do some earlier lessons to remind me for this

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-28 21:57

Redo of lesson 3. http://imgur.com/a/sxoHU second part http://imgur.com/a/VbwID (forgot to upload these)

Some of them are missing details because was trying to do without worrying about details. Gonna se nightmares tonight about plants. Still kind of feels like im lost bit with this but hopefully taking baby steps towards correct way.

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-27 22:56

Thank you. Fresh start tomorrow hopefully get things better then

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-27 22:35

Thank you very much for your hard work.

Havent yet started redoing this but worked whole day with plants so could you take a look when you got time and say am i moving to right direction? Having lots of problems with leafs but overall think todays work is better than first one: http://imgur.com/a/QORK1

Ninfu11 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-26 18:41

Heres my lesson 3 http://imgur.com/a/SLO8e

At first pretty much forgot too much from previous lessons and did some parts again with more focus on centour lines. But honestly so far this been hardest atleast for me never drawn plants before.

Ninfu11 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders (#2)"

2015-09-24 20:41

Oolrait. Have to do few extra pages with boxes too. Thank you

Ninfu11 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders (#2)"

2015-09-24 18:48

Heres my cylinder challenge
