Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
nethervex's Comments | Check out their posts instead

Nethervex in the post "Over the last few months, I've been working on a collaboration with Proko's team - a video about my experiences with Aphantasia (the inability to visualize the things I imagine in my head), and how I approach drawing from my imagination. And the video is finally out, on Proko's channel!"

2021-03-19 17:42

It's all about enjoying the act of making marks on a page.

Thats the entire reason I started doing drawabox. Exactly what I wanted to learn how to do. God bless man. Thanks for all you do. Now excuse me while I look at my next lesson :)

Nethervex in the post "Over the last few months, I've been working on a collaboration with Proko's team - a video about my experiences with Aphantasia (the inability to visualize the things I imagine in my head), and how I approach drawing from my imagination. And the video is finally out, on Proko's channel!"

2021-03-19 16:45

I always like to hear your takes on "drawing garbage" and such

It really helps me push through some of the anxiety of starting and drawing badly. I've probably started 3-4 times since I picked up drawabox in December. I have gotten better. I finally make myself just doodle badly drawn wizards in pointy hats when I have time at work.

Every time I hear you talk about not overvaluing each piece, or focusing more on developing my skills rather than the product I make, it helps me get a little bit more. I hope that encourages you to talk more on that subject as it really does help some of us.