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NanoHvirus in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-11 20:27

Awesome, thank you!

And it's a 0.5mm pen but it's starting to die out. The thickness may be because I went over each circle ten times, trying to go off of the straight line exercise where you said to go over each line eight times. Although maybe that was a bit much..

NanoHvirus in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-11 06:45

Hello again!

Here is my extra page of ellipses.

How do they look?

NanoHvirus in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-10 00:56

Ah, that clears up quite a bit actually. I'll get to work on those ellipses and post the extra page then.

Btw you're awesome for doing this.

Thank you again!

NanoHvirus in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-09 06:31


I finally went through and completed the first exercise. I'm not very confident about my ellipses or the varying perspective exercises though. So if you want me to do anything again just say the word.

Thank you many times in advance!