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muffinpink in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects (version 3)"

2015-11-16 11:38

Here is my homework: http://imgur.com/a/bfD58

I found this one very hard so did quite a few.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-10-13 12:27

Thank you for taking the time to look at them.

Its so hard to not get distracted by making the drawing look good and adding in all the details.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-10-12 12:32

Here is my work for this lesson: http://imgur.com/a/xgl7h

I am still not totally happy with these and think I may have started adding too many contors towards the end. Some guidance would be really usefull. Thank you.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-10-06 10:13

Thank you for your feedback. I think that is the issue I am having on the next lessson. I will got back and do some more organic contor drawings so I don't forget to really round the edges of the contor lines.

I am already noticing an improvement in my drawings. Thank you so much for working so hard on these tutorials. I wish they had taught me all this at school.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-10-05 12:15

Here is my homework: http://imgur.com/a/anYqV

I really enjoyed drawing the beatles but never want to spend so long looking at spiders again!

Thanks for looking at my work.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-09-30 11:55

Hi here are my drawings from lesson 3 http://imgur.com/a/B9OOC

I found it hard to keep my interest in plants but I think some of them turned out ok in the end.

Thank you for your time to critique.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-09-15 08:41

Oh I am sorry. I didn't realise. I have worked through them all so can submit them in order. Thank you for all your hard work. I did some more last night and I am already seeing an improvement.

muffinpink in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-09-14 08:23

Lesson 5(http://imgur.com/a/xgl7h)

I found this exercise the hardest so far. I am not sure I quite got it. Some feedback would be brilliant.

I had a good look through your previous feedback an I guess that it is to do with the layin stage.