Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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mnglasser in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-06-07 23:28

Thank you very much uncomfortable for the feedback. Just as you said it, each box according to the lesson methodology is to conform to the directionality of the VP; and for whatever as you pointed out, I missed the point of the lesson in the first submission (and interpreted it off by a mile). I'd like to eventually gravitate into transportation design, so estimating perspective and component scaling is going to be essential in accurate estimations. I'll head onto the box challenge then. Is there a point in which I should either stop now and complete all the material in the organic form and dissection chapter prior to moving into boxes?

mnglasser in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-06-05 01:12

Hi Uncomfortable.

Thank you very much for the expansive critique. Looking at my submission again I can clearly makeout areas of needed improvement as you've outlined (circles 2/3times, getting rid if the guessing game, calculate each line as well as you can, reference minor axis adjustments when implying form turn and referencing box orientation towards VP correctly.

I've spent a couple hours going back over and re-doing the rough perspective sketch exercise. As expected, I ran into areas of needed improvement where either the 2nd to last, or the last closing line of the box was at the wrong angle or didn't mean the line correctly - and/or most often post construction lines did not align to the VP. I certainly wasn't expecting this exercise with blazing colors.

After reading through the lesson section, and watching the video; while I still have much room for improvement, I think i did a bit better on this iteration (if you have time please let me know if there are the same or new areas of improvement I should focus in this exercise in particular and/or others) and welcome further critiquing.

Unless I hear a stop sign from you, or another parallel assignment to get better at mentally articulating directionally, line weight, directionality, etc - I will start tnight or tomorrow morning with the 250 box challenge.

Thanks again for you're guided feedback - looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Side Note: would it make it easier to submit time lapses of the assignment? Or continue on with.jpg submissions?


mnglasser in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-05-07 22:12

Hello Uncomfortable,

Please find the homework for lesson 1. Thank you upfront for taking the time for a personalized critique. As someone who is considering the path of getting into the field of architecture and/or product design, I greatly value you're opinion. I understand that I have a long way to go, and after reading through all lesson content now realize that there were moments where I veered off direction and created errors surrounding line with, flow, directionality and perspective. But I'm hopeful to gain as much improvement as possible and look forward to hearing way's to improve - it's a long journey so thanks again. (apologies upfront, the submission came in out of order).
