Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Mero1 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2015-02-12 01:10

Probably took a lot longer than necessary, but I'm happy to make my submission to the challenge!

Life had me take a break from drawing in the middle of the challenge, so you'll probably notice that it starts getting a lot better, then not so much, and then it starts getting better again. But I'm back to drawing everyday (or trying, at least) and at full throttle again!

P.S.: I bought a 50 page sketchpad with very thin pages by mistake. I hope that isn't too much of a bother to you.

Mero1 in the post "Video: Portrait study timelapse by Mike Meth, a good friend of mine - focus on how he lays in the underlying structure of the face"

2015-01-29 12:55

I'm not even remotely close to start drawing on digital mediums, but I did notice something I didn't think was the case:

Why does he use a single layer for the whole drawing? Is that common practice?

I've always assumed people had hundreds of layers for each line/color or what have you, or at least separate layers for the structure and the hard lines/colouring/shading. Is there a purpose for a single layer?

Mero1 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-16 04:08

Took a while, but I think I finally did it...maybe...^ohgodpleaseberight

Here are three of the countless tries I did. Obviously, there are some perspective mistakes and the lines are all wiggly and the elipses suck, but I think the intersections themselves are much better than before. And I finally figured the staedtler out, it's been much more fun drawing without having to figure the pen out.

I'm currently at box 100 of the 250 box challenge, it's coming slowly, but it's coming. Maybe I should post what I have so far so I have feedback for the rest? Would you take a look at it?

Anyways, I appreciate all the time you're taking doing this for all of us in this subreddit. You rock!

Mero1 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-05 00:38

I did use a much thicker pilot pen for the form intersection because the staedtler wouldn't work over pencil for some reason. I should probably buy some new ones.

I did try to avoid the stretched dimension in the dissections, but the first few ones went that way almost on their own. I had some trouble trying to make 3D objects without making them long and going off into the distance, but I tried to force myself to come up with some that wouldn't go that way, such as the snake adn the bottle.

Mero1 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-04 23:22

Here you go!

I hope it's what you're looking for. For the first set, I actually did draw through the forms for the intersections, but I used an hb pencil and then erased it. This time I did it first with the pen only and didn't get very far, then I did it with coloured pencils and had a more productive time.

I'm having a problem with the Staedtler I bought tho. I don't know if it's faulty or if I'm using it wrong, but everytime I try to make lines fast, the ink doesn't come out right, so I keep having to draw as slowly as I can, and my lines end up being all squiggly and wrong. I bought two 0.5 pens and I have this problem with both, so I'm guessing I'm not really using it right. I also tried a Faber Castell and had the same result. I tried holding it upright, tilted, all the ways, and I can't move it very fast across the paper or pass it over the same line over and over or it stops working (this was a big problem with the first line exercise).

Mero1 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-03 16:33

Here's my submission! It took a while to complete in between holidays, specially if we account for my semi-comatose state from eating so much, but I did it.

I really liked doing the dissections, and the form intersections were a pain at first, but, as with the last lesson, I feel like the last try was definetly better than the first (in this case I think it shows even more).

So, that's it! I hope you like it.

Mero1 in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-12-15 02:47

Hey there!

I'm a 20 year old student in communication working in advertising as a designer. I've always liked to draw during my childhood, but somewhere along the way I started believing I wanted to work with math as an engineer, programmer or something along those lines. I got into Computer Science right out of school, but the heart wants what the heart wants and I ended up as a designer and still not knowing how to draw. The last time I've really picked a pencil to draw must have been almost 10 years ago.

Now I want to make up for the wasted time and I've found this subreddit really organized with nice lessons that are simple to follow.

I hope we all have a good time together in this!