Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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maxedwards1995 in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-10-16 17:08

Lesson 2: https://imgur.com/a/0wxIZ

My thoughts

Also I had a quick go at a exercise in lesson 3 as a break from this and then after that I went back to lesson 2 organic forms and noticed that that was my most focused drawing session on something I didn't find that exciting I have had so far and I think it was because I had a great time actually sketching something 'real' in lesson 3 and it seemed to give me motivation and focus when I went back to lesson 2 to continue, so I think I will be incorporating 45 min session on lesson 2 stuff to try and improve more in those fundamental bits after I have done the lesson I am on as it seemed like I saw the most improvement/focus when tackling something boring after doing something fun.

maxedwards1995 in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-09-30 07:01

Thank you so much for the detailed reply, I will bear all of it in mind when tackling the future exercises :) is it okay if I do 10 boxes a day on top of my warm up before I start my lesson 2 work for that day? Just so I can get more practice of them in but also so I can try implement the things you said.

Thanks again

maxedwards1995 in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-09-29 22:12

Hi! First off, I would greatly appreciate if you read this post even though it is long and give your thoughts/advice but Ill post what I feel like I have learned first just in case you dont want to read my rant aha. (also note what I am about to say is a criticism of myself not of the challenge at all, I understand the usefulness of the challenge)

What I learned first off, I feel like after about 100 boxes I really started to understand how to draw the boxes in perspective even if my lines didnt show it sometimes and it also taught me to take my time as well (well on the ones that I did take my time on, see below) and doing so would yield better results

I had the odd stab at line weights but no real good attempt due to my issue below I believe.

link to my boxes: https://imgur.com/a/znubi

The rant bit (also it was after 100 or so that really felt like this)

I absolutely hated this challenge, while I feel like I learned a lot from this task, I found it so boring that it made me not want to even bother picking up the pen to draw the boxes and for a fair few of them past 100 I feel like I was just rushing through them even though I knew that it was better to take it slowly because in my head at the time I just wanted to get 250 done just so I could stop (I didnt do them all in one sitting, I just found it so dull spending my time drawing them). My ghosting was poor for a lot of them as I wasnt taking loads of time to nail it either just so I just get the box drawn.

I feel like if I had to draw 150 boxes instead of 250, I would have spent more time on each one (and probably yielded a better result) as I knew the end was much closer.

I did go through bits of motivation and I feel like that is clear when some of the boxes look quite good and thats because on those ones I did take my time etc and it really showed imo in both my ghosting and my perspective

My main question Do you have any advice for giving me the motivation to keep giving 100% through the super boring bits like this that are also so long and repetitive? (I think the repetitiveness of just drawing a box was also the issue maybe) (preferably without saying just get on with it as I tried to tell myself that)

Also, if you want me repeat this task due to my poor performance I totally understand but is there any side task that you would be able to give me that I could work on at the same time to break up the dullness of drawing the boxes again?

Thank you so much again and sorry that I am coming across as someone that is just moaning about this, I 100% view this as my own flaw that I must get over rather than me blaming the challenge