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LordNed in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-10-20 02:21

Thankfully this one took me less time to do than the 200+ days to finish L4. :)


LordNed in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-15 05:42

I took a few days off drawing but here is the makeup work as requested here.



LordNed in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-12-17 04:21

I think all of the flies have enough segments to their bodies this time... I've noticed the faces are pretty tough, lots of little complex shapes :(


LordNed in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-12-13 07:43

More hit and miss stuff. There's definitely a few bugs that got squashed. I'm happy with some of them, and others definitely not but I'm also tired of drawing bugs (though moths are pretty cute).


Bonus non DaB Bird, I felt like it was a good exercise in lineweight.

LordNed in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-11-18 21:19

When I drew the pumpkin I was thinking about it in cross-section forms, which would have (had I done it properly) represented the volume so drawing the silhouette afterwards should have been correct.

Having said that, as soon as I drew it I knew I dun goofed, but I figured it'd be worse to try and correct the mistake by trying to draw it as a sphere again on top of the mess I had already created.

Same with the pea pods, when I drew the left one I realized I dun goofed by not following the volume close enough, I think the right one is better.


LordNed in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-11-18 05:40

I need to continue practicing putting my ellipses at perpendicular angles to the line they're showcasing. This was something I struggled on last lesson with on the organic contours. I tried to push the degree shifts more than I did last time so that lines have both small degrees and large degrees as they recede in space but I'm not sure it's all the way there yet.

In the few areas I put surface details (such as the small strawberry and mushrooms) I tried to be better about making transitions with the amount of surface detail. I also tried to play with line weight in specific lines, not always to great success but it's the thought that counts :)


LordNed in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-10-07 02:15


LordNed in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-09-23 23:37


I might have taken 5 months off in the middle between L1/250 Box Challenge and L2. Oops.

Some of the attempts at thicker line weight get a little sketchy/hairy looking. I didn't really do any line weight stuff for L1 and it's hard to override the desire to go into drawing-details-from-the-wrist mode when doing the second pass at them. I'm also not doing as good as a job on the contour ellipses as I would like (some of the more obvious issues pointed out with arrows). Some of it is not being perpendicular to the minor axis, part of it is not being symmetrical/round all the time, and part of it is just not noticing that the degree doesn't change enough until after I've made two passes. I think the contour ellipses that I don't draw through are (on the whole) better.

I really enjoyed the intersections exercise and really liked how they looked with the entire final shape outlined. I think it helps with the readability of the overall shapes, but I realize it defeats the purpose of line weight. Maybe in the future I can make all of the final edges thicker (like I did) and then add extra thickness near the intersections. There's also a shape that is missing a line, oops. I don't think my organic intersections are as strong as they could be. I think in the future I'd put more shapes behind the wall, so that it didn't feel like I was trying to build a wall of sausages, instead a pile of sausage so it didn't feel like it was unbalanced.

As you can probably tell, some of them were done later than others. Switching from ball point pen to fine liners has forced me to stick with what I put down (see dissections) which makes them feel a lot more confident than others I think. It's all fine liners from here on out.


LordNed in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-01-28 19:41

Thank you!

LordNed in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-01-28 18:57

Is line weight something that can feasibly be done with a ball point pen without drawing over the line again? I'm using ball point pens until I learn to stop smashing the pen into the surface (was destroying felt-tip pen tips), and ball points seem pretty consistent for width.

I don't trust myself to draw a second line and have it come anywhere near overlapping the first one heh.

LordNed in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-01-27 06:23

That was weird. After 150-200 boxes I could control which way I saw the front face/back face of the box, and I could look at where a point should go instead of trying to make parallel lines... most of the time.

Sorry the colored corrections make it so hard to see the line work.


LordNed in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-01-12 01:48

Thank you!

LordNed in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-01-12 00:54


I know I need to work on starting/stopping my segmented lines in the right place (if I go slow enough to I waver, if I go fast enough for straight I overshoot, it's kind of obvious in the free-hand plotted boxes one point perspective), and my ellipses are having a hard time focusing down into overlapping lines.