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LongTimeSnooper in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-25 09:03

Yeah redrawing the lines is something i need to fight myself from doing. Thanks for the feedback and i will try and take the full picture into account when drawing the lines rather than just the plane.

LongTimeSnooper in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-24 21:49

250 Box Challenge finally complete.

My lines still need to be a straighter and less curved but i think i'm getting better at understanding perspective by i'm still having trouble with that pesky last corner.


LongTimeSnooper in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-21 22:46

Thanks for the feedback, yeah i always seem to over shoot the lines a bit particularly when they are small, not very used to using my shoulder. I was doing the ghosting with the ellipses but i have to admit i didn't think it would be so hard to draw circles that one by far is the most difficult for me. Also I forgot to add my ghosted lines exercise. The link is here https://imgur.com/a/Z2Sxn8z, i knew i would miss one. Feel free to check it if you want. It is mainly over shoot the lines though.

LongTimeSnooper in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-21 08:28

Hello, My Lesson 1 submission

Only just signed up to patreon so my name might not be on the list yet.
