Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Lochabws in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-08 23:33

Haha, awesome. That's exactly the kind of critique I was looking for, so thank you. You're very constructive with your critiquing, and I appreciate that. You say "brutal" and I say "fair". After all, this is why I am doing these lessons, right? I'm not perfect, but I want to be better.

I'm glad I didn't start the next lesson yet. I will work on the things you mentioned and will post here when done.

Thank you!

Lochabws in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-07 23:24


Definitely harder than I thought it would be. But hey, a challenge is what I did this for. I'm glad I did it.

I appreciate any critique either here or on imgur. I plan on making drawing my career, so throw it all at me.

I consider myself intermediate as far as experience level. I am using Draw A Box to help myself improve on my skill.

And thank you, Draw A Box, for providing this opportunity for myself and many others out there. I found this exercise helpful and I plan to continue the lessons.