Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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LinezzzUp in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-12-22 21:45

I kinda felt the cylinders from boxes when drawing from life, so the thing is I know how it should be, and have the vision for it, but the tight rules for "nailing it" inside the boxes, sometimes got me off the track and gave me the thoughts of redoing the whole thing.

which, in anyway, I know and deeply respect this practice, but it can get really frustrating (and I actually allow myself to write it, cuz I'm here for awhile :) )

as always, I print-screen your replays and took notes, thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-12-22 08:23

thank you :)

I have a few questions if its ok,

or that I'm not sure what you mean, drawing through as a wrapping lines over the cylinders or drawing over the ellipses?

thank you and waiting for your updates :)

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-12-20 13:37

hi there :)

here's take on this challenge :)


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-12-06 05:46

thank you for explaining it :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-12-05 22:39

thank you for the reply :)

for 1 I made a picture to explain myself more -


here it was the first time that I got into troubles with finding the base cube, so-

in step 1 - it was easy - the very edge of the perfume indicates the edge of the cube,

step 2 was a little bit tricky in terms of finding the right degree for the line, thinking where to put it so it will be right (also - from life its a little bit more confusing, somehow)

in step 3 it was a little bit of guessing, but the rules of perspective kicked in.

after this my main issues were with the damn mouse, so I really tried to get the right edge lines, like in the perfume, also that I searched for the line that really really got into the edge of the object - to build the base cube.

I also found myself counting which side of the object is more wide or high and count how many times the width (for example) goes into the height - for proportions. in this case, the mouse was really pain for me, so I had to remember where the "edge" of the rectangular base is - in the model in front of me. which was a bit tricky.

do you have another way of looking at proportions for this matter? really missed a part from you talking about it a bit, especially cuz we deal with real life models and I tried to get the right proportions.

2 - I ended up doing the ellipses free handed, ghosted them many times before putting the ellipse down :)

btw I'll do the ellipses challenge, but will it be better to do it first, and only after I finish them to go on L7 or did you mean something else?


the rebuild sounds very nice and really could be a step up :)

if you consider remaking some videos, I felt like the later lessons, 4 to 6 a bit long, so I had a bunch of videos to watch and also read the lessons themselves. I really respect your work and efforts, just putting my output here, so I think it could be a bit shorter, cuz the overall time felt a bit long.

but really - as you feel right about it. the lessons are great nonetheless.

hehe dont over kill yourself! you also draw this funny web-comic so have it easy! :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-12-05 07:18

thank you :)

I felt that I really missed the first steps of your demos of how you actually pick the base lines for the object, and how you determine the right edge places for say, a round object like that wine barrel. I struggled a lot with it , so felt like there could be more explanation about it. I ended up figuring it out alone, but with a lot of trials and errors.

I also not sure how to use the circular templates for the ellipses, so ended up doing them mainly free handed hehe

I felt like I didnt have much details cuz sometimes I didnt know where to put the lines. in the JBL speaker, I felt I could do more, but didnt want to make it more of a mass.

I also noticed that I have boxes issues, especially with larger boxes, but I guess I need to warm up more with them.

which lessons will you rebuild? or you mean for all of the lessons?

will look for it for sure.

have a nice holiday and Merry Christmas :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-12-04 07:08

Hi there :)

here are my L6 assignments and would like to hear your feedback on them :)

been tough to measure the right proportions of objects, even more with round edges ones


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-27 12:20

oh I can see it more clearly now

thank you, been missing this part when I worked on the exercises

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-25 06:36

thank you :)

well I guess the boar is my weakest :) thought mainly cuz of his really weird head, which it actually has a weird head :)

I had issues with his rib-cage and thought I might went overboard with its shape, I was really confused about it, tried to catch the chest-pelvis shapes but the reference showed the chest in the middle and has more skeleton above it, which lead me to anatomy to try and figure it out. which is something I felt in some other drawings.

I'm writing and focusing on it in purpose, cuz I want to figure my mistake a bit more. I saw your elephant demo, which deals with something a bit similar to it (the pelvis area and the big circle over it).

so - I kinda dont know if to put the rib cage as a large shape at first - to make a more sense of what I see, or try and match the "real" position of it, and add more shapes on-top.

here are the references -


your elephant demo -


thank you for your time :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-24 04:20

Hi there :)

here are my additional drawings for this lesson,

mainly focus on construction, without details as you said


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-19 14:48

thank you :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-19 06:06

thank you a lot :)

I felt the points that you mentioned here as well, when I re-viewing the works I just did and tried to take notes and execute them on the next works.

anyway, I just saw the wolf demo yesterday and felt like its something I should take a look on before hehe

I had some questions while working on this,

thank you a lot!

have a nice weekend

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-10-17 20:37

Hi there Uncomfortable :)

Here are my works, would be glad and really appreciate your feedback on it - https://imgur.com/a/0FlOz3n

thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-09-26 03:04

thank you :)

I meant for it to be not a full review, cuz didnt made the full lesson again, tried to take your notes from the last time and improve from it.

anyway took your notes, for some reason I keep doing those mistakes, even when I'm aware of them..

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-09-25 20:15

Hi there :)

here are some more works of lesson 4

tried to take your notes


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-09-23 20:59

many thanks, appreciate your time a lot

I made a few more insects drawing, didnt do hatching on them though, I did hatching cuz I felt into the lazy zone, which wont do again :)

I had a struggle with the texture lesson, back then, cuz it was a bit hard for me to - simplify, warp it and sometimes analyze the cutout surface, maybe now the flat texture will be different, will do it gradually and flat at first.

I'll work on the proportions more, but kinda have the sense for how things go overall,

I dont want to offend you in any way, but I'm taking private lessons on another area of art, more like academic drawing, where I put a ton of concentration of right proportions and shapes (of objects from observation). its leading more into painting and shapes of shadows/ light areas, then its "flat" analyzing the picture/ model, but really feel that your site pushed my understanding more.

I appreciate the heavy ink exercises very much and recommend them a lot to others, been curious on your opinion on it. pencils and charcoal has other options to consider but its right, pen gives you a hard time learning things.

btw - I use charcoal mainly in the academic drawings, which can be very delicate, so it gets very tricky in some point, where in pencils its a bit easier (but less dark values)

I'm starting a tumblr and want to publish my DAB exercises on Instagram as well, I will put full credits for your site ofc, but wish to do it right. how would you like me to credit it? if its ok publishing it ofc.

thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-09-23 08:27

thank you for the feedback and the completion of this lesson :)

I know I'm doing things more quickly, but still get the feeling I could do much better,

then also if there are some more critics on smaller details, I would be glad to hear :)

I felt I had an bit of an issue with the proportions of some insects,

on your examples you dont talk about it as much, which in the end shows a more believable result,

would be glad to hear a bit of this topic, since the next lesson might be a bigger problem of it.

on the 3rd point you wrote, I saw, mainly at first, that my organic forms for the legs or other parts are stiff and too general and mainly used as a guild for the proportions of the object,

then saw that making it more like a sausage shape gets it more flowy and communicates the object better.

but would be glad to hear any more details about how to make it better in the future works.

I know we mainly work on ink, and will do (and suffer quietly ;) ) to the end of this lessons, but couldnt help to wonder - when and why to use pencils or lower density markers or pens? is it for better precision?

been thinking on making a few more creepy crawly mobs to see if I get it right(er) this time,

before going into the next lesson it is (must say that I'm a bit more anatomy expert on the matter of insects now hehe)

thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-09-19 21:47

Hi there :)

Here are my works for Lesson 4

would be glad to read your feedback, as always :)

it was a bit trickier then I thought..


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-07 05:15

thank you a lot :)

I tried not to focus on the ground and dirt, because I really wanted to understand the leaves and how they flow, I felt I could do a better job with it, because it made my drawing a bit noisy indeed

I'll watch it more closely and took your notes to better the drawing in future works

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-06 17:34

hi there :)

here are my revisited plants for L3

would be glad if you could check it :)


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-03 05:46

it seems as tough its a 2 pigmented pens

but I got your point and will not do that on the next works


LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-03 03:32

thank you very much,

will continue with the leaves a bit more as I think I need to train and get the feeling of what you said a bit more.

in some cases I think my reference pictures were not so good, resulting in me wanting to get how the picture looked, rather then how to sell the 3D feel and fluid motion of things.

about the under drawing, I used a lighter pen, as you wrote in the HW description, but apparently got it to a bad point, where I used it to make cleaner/ pretty drawing rather then understanding the form and 3D feel of the object.

when resubmitting, should I put a separate topic?

thank you

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-09-02 17:29

Hi there :)

Just finished L3 and will glad to hear your feedback :)

really appreciate your work and help! thanks a ton :)


have a good week!

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-08-20 06:12

oh ok, thank you :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-08-06 04:34

of our arrow as being situated physically farther from our viewer, and the other end being placed closer - and exaggerating the scale of those ends. This means really pushing the closer end to be very large and the farther end to be much smaller.

Secondly, a more minor point - I noticed that y

thank you very much for the replay, as always appreciate your comment and time!

I thought you might say that about the Organic forms and maybe I didnt got the point of the exercise. I tried to imagine the round organic shapes but seems like it didnt go so well.

about the arrows, yeah well, thought about that and will do more of them a bit as well :)

thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-08-05 18:31

Hi there

took me awhile but made it, here are my works for lesson 2 -

the textures were my time consuming


*sorry it got a bit messed-up, a bit new to Imgur..

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-01-14 05:13

point of extending your lines is to see how they all converge towards t

thank you

I see what you mean by the line extensions, I felt it when doing the box and noted myself about it

I could see the places where I misplaced a line which got the others a bit messed up, on some boxes I also made a new line to correct it a bit. anyway I can see your point and what you mean.

I feel like I need to do some more boxes but also wish to get on Lesson 2, so I plan to "warm up" with some boxes, and starting L2. if you have other recommendation I will glad to hear

thank you :) and have a great week!

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2018-01-10 22:22

Hi :)

sorry for the delay, here are 2 pages that I tried to revisit the boxes as you told me to, also tried to make them not so similar to one other


your opinion and critic is most welcome :)

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-12-15 08:30

the lines you draw across those planes that would pass through the centers don't end up doing so. F

thank you :)

will do a bit more boxes, will it be ok to send the link here with the new boxes? as its the already the topic of it

I really didnt paid attention about the top/bottom plane's middle, weird because I thought I got it.. hehe well ok then

thank you!

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-12-14 06:31

thank you very much!

I truly did it awhile ago and it took me a bit while to complete, but would try and do more boxes as you wrote to me, as I want to feel/ see how it is. I can say I started imagining the vanishing points for the lines but it sounds better to try it the way you mentioned

I got the feeling that most of my boxes are presented from top view, as I started many of them with the Y method

is it an issue, would you recommend to try and make more boxes from different angles?

also, would glad to hear if you have any critic about the advance box challenge

thank you very much! have a great weekend!

LinezzzUp in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-12-13 16:30

Hi there :)

Just finished my 250 boxes and advanced box challenge and would be glad to hear your opinion on it!


had a good time finishing this in between my other studies, well been awhile :)

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-25 22:28

thank you, working on it.

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-25 13:01

Hi there and thank you very much!

on paragraph 2 you mentioned in the end that I should make it with more ghosting method, did you mean ghosting with ellipses?

about the funnels - the curved lines went off therefore my mistakes on the minor axis. will practice it more.

didnt saw the section of corrections that you showed about the perspective boxes, will go over it as well.

I already started a bit with the 250 boxes challenge with drawing through the boxes, but found that I have issues finding the inner lines, I'll go on and re-read the 2 VP lesson for more understanding on it.

would you recommend doing the 250 boxes challenge first or can I proceed into L2?

LinezzzUp in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-12-23 18:45

Hi there :)

Here is my lesson 1, was nice any really informative, every step I made was in purpose for another stem, and the overall rhythm of the lesson was nice, ofc depends on myself but it presented very nicely,

would appreciate and be glad to read your comment about it whenever possible for you :)


have a nice weekend!