Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Lemurg in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-14 17:30

Thanks for the quick reply and all the feedback!

Will review the things you pointed out then start the 250 box challenge!

Lemurg in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-13 18:55


Hello Uncomfortable! Here is my attempt at Lesson 1.

I enjoyed this first course very much, I though the pacing was brilliant. Before I had started the lesson I looked at the last exercise and though it would be way too difficult for me but the work leading up to it taught all the necessary skills.

I also very much enjoyed reading all your thoroughly laid out explanations accompanying each part as well as the self critique section and am excited to have my own work critiqued by you personally!

I became aware of the fact that I had drawn over my ellipses too many times after reading the self critique. I had tried keeping it at 3 loops first but then got carried away and ended up with lots more later on. Will keep it to 2 loops, as you suggested, per ellipse next time I work through this lesson.

It might look like I used a ruler for the free-hand one-point exercise but those subtle traces of lines to the point are just from when I was tracing back and forth to figure out the right angle to draw the sides of the cube at.

Some of my cubes in the last exercise (where they follow a line through the frame) ended up skewed because I start off by drawing one face and then drew the accompanying faces not fitting the rotation of the first. If that made any sense.