Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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LarryFman in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-31 09:30

I hope it's not late to join this community :)

So I'm 19 years old student, I'm studying mathematical and geographical subjects. When I was a kid I wanted to be an architect or a graphic designer, my lack of physics subjects disallowed me to become an architect. I've been drawing since I was a kid but problem is that I stopped drawing like 5-4 years ago. In school I was sketching in my notebooks and most of those sketches were awful but there was always this 1 out of 100 that I was really happy about.

I've never taken any art classes and I really regret that, I wanted to but in my town there aren't any and I was never into studying through the Internet until now.

My aspirations... Hmm... to be honest I do not have any. It's hard for me right now because in next 4 months I'm going to take a test that will decide about my future and going into university and I'm not sure If graphic and drawing will be my hobby or job. Right now It's definitely hobby that I enjoy!

Not really. My previous works were mostly done in Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP and similar software on my laptop but HDD was damaged and I couldn't save much. I have some doodles in my notebooks, most of them are games character, fast food, people, shapes etc. and similar teenage stuff but I don't think it's worth posting.

I found this sub because yesterday I decided that If I want to draw something more than doodles and shitty sketches and I need some practice. I've never been a fan of teaching through Internet but I think that I will just give it a try.

Also I want to change many things in my life and I think that drawing lessons will teach me discipline that I lack. I'm addicted to things that I don't want talk about because it's embarrassing for me, I've some complexes and problems with being confident. So I started to work out, getting more confident, fighting with my addictions and get a hobby that I like to get some self-discipline. And it's going good :)

I just want to know that this subreddit is one of things that are changing my life, thanks friend:)