Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Lady0fTheUpsideDown in the post "Been drawing for some years before starting draw a box, got me wondering about how I position myself"

2023-03-26 04:34

In terms of outcomes, I can only speak to anecdotal experience of me and my family members. Chiropractic has been hugely helpful for my back pain. In conjunction with soft tissue work (which my chiro is certified in doing as well, she's basically a chiro/PT hybrid), and muscle strengthening, it has helped me a ton. If a chiro makes claims outside of resolving joint pain, that is straight quackery. But it just makes sense to me that a joint out of place would be painful - get it back into place via soft tissue and manipulation, and keep it there by addressing the muscular issue behind it slipping out of place (weakness, for example), and pain is gone. Additionally, your 2006 study claims stroke risk, yet this 2008 study indicates there is actually nothing to prove a link between chiro and stroke. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2271108/.

To each their own.

Lady0fTheUpsideDown in the post "Been drawing for some years before starting draw a box, got me wondering about how I position myself"

2023-03-26 00:08

TIL redditors hate chiropractors. Been seeing mine for yearsssss and it has helped me a ton. My SI joint has a habit of misaligning and having a combo of massage and adjustment is the only thing that gets it back in place.