kmshannon in the post "250 Box Challenge"
2019-02-16 17:10
Hello /u/uncomfortable, finally got through this one! Learned quite a bit and am all the better for it. The exterior lines don't cause too much trouble once you decide to lay down a vanishing point and systematically create the box starting from the edge closest to the viewer, especially when ghosting all the way to the VP, you sort of get a mental image of where the line should be. It's a real pain dropping a point for the back corner furthest away, and really makes you consider how all three interior lines are going to converge. Sometimes trying to consider a diagonal line running from the front corner to the rear helped visualize where the point would lie.
I tried adding some weight to exterior lines by tracing/ghosting my initial stroke, as well as adding a tiny bit of weight to the interior lines along the shaded plane's perimeter. All in all, which I got sick of boxes around 180, I had several aha! moments that can only come from putting in repetition. Great exercise! All boxes were drawn on a 11x14 pad. Thanks for the review and feedback, appreciate all the hard work. Cheers, Kyle
kmshannon in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2019-01-21 05:13
Thanks for the detailed comments. The organic perspective boxes were a good challenge. I feel like I could make better free form floating boxes when I would just doodle. But forcing myself to imagine a box in space and then rotating and moving it around and to draw through the form required a good deal of focus. Great exercise!
kmshannon in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2019-01-20 02:20
Hello! Imgur link to my lesson 1 home work. The perspective assignments might look small, but I mostly worked on an 11x14 blick sketch pad.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I really appreciate it. Any advice and criticism is enthusiastically welcomed.
kmshannon in the post "250 Box Challenge"
2019-02-17 05:00
Thanks, for the good feedback. I think this is great observation! You're right, especially when the lines become quite parallel, e.g. VP is tending towards to infinity. What I learned from your feedback is that the margin of error for the correct angle becomes so small that you just as easily can draw a diverging line. So being more conservative with a converging angle will overall produces 'tighter' work. This also echoes back to your first advice... to think about the lines (drawn and not drawn) that share a VP. Appreciate the review. See you in a few weeks!