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Khearnei in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-24 01:45

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I definitely kind of lost the lead on the sausage forms, you're right. I see that now. I wasn't focused on keeping the shape uniform. I'm going to go back and draw a few more pages of sausages and a few more pages of boxes for good measure. For me, I struggle to make ellipses that increase gradually by degrees. Like it's either I'm making something closer to wide oval or I make a very narrow oval, with no inbetweens. I also struggle with ellipses that have a small degree because I find it hard to keep the top/bottoms rounded as opposed to sharp angles.

A lot of things to work on! Thanks again for the feedback!

Khearnei in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-22 11:52

Hmm. Weird that happened. But I attached a new album and the should definitely all be there now.

Khearnei in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-22 01:20

Finally done lesson two!

The texture lessons were soo hard for me. Finding an imagine I liked to copy the textures was really difficult to me. Google Images recently go rid of the "Open image in tab" option, so that made it a little harder to get to the hi-res images. Just as an idea for you, if you had a pack of high res textures and were selling them for like $5, I would totally buy that. Also hard for me because I am not a very "careful" drawer, in that I hate meticulously coloring in certain spaces, so I can get a little sloppy about it. I was trying very hard to focus on not being random, as you said!

I found the rest of the exercise to be pretty fun! The intersection ones, both organic and forms, were pretty fun to try to piece together in my mind. Looking forward to doing something with these construction skills going forward!

EDIT: new link https://imgur.com/a/vDgZ6Vx

Khearnei in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-05 21:15

Thanks! My struggle was always getting the angles exactly where I wanted them. For example, in your picture, the angle between the green and orange line is so slight, that at the scale of the boxes I was drawing, even a half millimeter off in one direction can set the lines on a diverging path and throw off the perspective. I could mitigate the problem by making the boxes bigger, so that it gives me maybe a millimeter of wiggle room, but then the larger the scale, the longer the line, and the longer the line, the harder it was to draw it perfectly straight and on target. That was probably my biggest frustration.

I definitely feel like I learned a lot about perspective and really improved my ghosting with the challenge. Like you said, it's a little tedious, but extremely helpful!

Khearnei in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-05 13:26

Here is my submission!


Had a lot of fun, but I am also glad to be done!