Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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kerithspawn in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-21 00:26

Thank you so much for the thorough critique!

Make sure you're using a ruler to draw the minor axis

Yeah... Should have done that :) I didn't know where to go when the minor axis line was off-center, I chose to just try to reach both ends of the funnel, but the solution was to avoid that in the first place.

Onto the boxes and I notice you've missed a page of plotted perspective here but I'm going to let it slide because you've clearly grasped the concept on your following exercises. Make sure you go back and do a page count before you submit to ensure you haven't missed anything.

Oh whoops, forgot to upload this one, and should definitely have done a page check on the drive folder before submitting (and not just in my sketchbook): https://drive.google.com/file/d/10UkGfCbqMVBRD83dXbqO33blY6_A3BT0/view?usp=sharing

Your rough perspective shows a few signs in the line quality of getting a little overwhelmed

you definitely need to work on those feelings of being overwhelmed when looking at complexity.

Upon introspection, I think this is a combination of doing these in an uncomfortable position and just being tired, which ties back to my struggles with the rotated boxes. Thanks for noticing this, I can now work on taking more frequent breaks, and not trying to "push through" when I'm tired. This leads to wobbly lines and awful results.

I think this is the biggest takeaway, and thank you for putting emphasis on those feelings, really helped crystallize this realization.

P.S. I noticed a cat drawing (it's adorable). If that's your cat, I require you to pay the cat tax in the Discord Patreon channel. ;)

It is unfortunately not my cat, but a super cute stock photo. Someday, I'll have a cat and draw it in all kinds of different poses. Right now I only have these to practice with: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vivid-Arts-Ginger-Dreaming-Ornament/dp/B00GY4XWLK?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_10

Have a great day!

kerithspawn in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-20 18:04


I'm Borja Lorente on Patreon (kerith#2384 on Discord), here is my homework for the first lesson: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eAxXp9cuvvqQiP9wtW9c0w9ymnrX4fr_?usp=sharing

I think these are the main improvement areas I have to carry over to the next steps:

Would be very grateful for any insight and comments.

Have a great day!

EDIT: Also many many thanks to Uncomfortable for creating this, I'm a programmer and this is just the way I needed these concepts presented. I can already see improvement in my for-fun drawings, thank you so much!