Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
joshuagraphic's Comments | Check out their posts instead

joshuagraphic in the post "Yesterday, we dropped a new video about the concepts around the 50% rule. This is without exception, the most important video of the entire course."

2022-02-11 17:09

Thank you for making this video.

Yes, the reps are important for developing a skill, but play is equally as important. This expands into the career that follows, as well.

It's not just about drawing for pleasure while you're learning. The 50% rule applies just as much when it comes being a professional. If you don't do half of your drawing, painting, etc. for yourself, then you'll go just as crazy.

Don't forget WHY you wanted to learn how to draw. Use that initial spark to ground yourself while you learn and while you work. :)