Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
josephniet's Comments | Check out their posts instead

josephniet in the post "Over the last few months, I've been working on a collaboration with Proko's team - a video about my experiences with Aphantasia (the inability to visualize the things I imagine in my head), and how I approach drawing from my imagination. And the video is finally out, on Proko's channel!"

2021-03-19 11:41

Same. Can't imagine sounds/smells etc when awake. I remember having a lucid dream though and being like 'holy f**k, i can see stuff i'm imagining!? this is so cool!'

sidenote: i've been drawing for 10+ years. When i try 'imagining' something, one of the main things i get is the feeling my arm tracing out the contours.