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jmnava in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-07-22 12:15

Here's my homework for Lesson 2

I feel like I tried to put in too much detail in my textures and got a little overwhelmed with the more complicated ones. I wasn't happy with my fur, coconut, and chrome textures.

I was also having a LOT of trouble with the form intersection assignment. It was getting very confusing for me and my line work was really really bad (my felt tips started running out of ink)

jmnava in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-13 00:17

Yeah I was having a hard time imagining the rotations of the boxes for my organic perspective assignment. I felt like I was repeated the same rotated boxes over and over again. So I wanted to have more variety in my boxes so I would draw an initial line for an edge of a box before even thinking about it in my head. I think this caused my boxes to look very weird and inconsistent.

jmnava in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2016-07-12 11:27

Hello! This was my first time drawing in a very long time, and boy I'd like to say this lesson was surprisingly VERY HARD. There were a few times where I got very frustrated when drawing the rotated boxes and organic perspective boxes. It took me a while to complete all these assignments because I would end up giving up and I would just start practicing my lines and ellipses. But I am very happy that I didn't completely give up and managed to finished everything.

Anyway here are my results (sorry about the quality):


Thank you so much for providing these free lessons!