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JedTheKrampus in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 2)"

2015-07-24 03:20


Thank you for the critique! Here is my additional stab at the ellipse exercises. I will proceed to the next lesson now. I ghosted the ellipses on the planes pretty thoroughly and I think it really helped most of them. (one didn't turn out so well, but what can you do)

JedTheKrampus in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 2)"

2015-07-22 21:26

Got it done!

Unfortunately my 9x12 sketchbook doesn't fit so well on my 8.5x11 flatbed scanner. I will make sure to include some margins in my future work.

A couple of these have some minor postprocessing to remove scanner artifacts from not being in contact with the flatbed. I didn't clean up any lines digitally, though.

The first page of superimposed lines is a little more accurate than the second. On the first page I was still getting used to the felt pen and was pressing really hard, which created grooves in the page that made it easier to stay on the line. I realized in the process of going to my second page that I was wearing down the nib on the pen using my customary Wacom pressure and as a primarily digital artist I am paranoid about nib wear, so I tried to do the second page and the rest of the drawings with much less pressure. By the end of the second page I was feeling more confident in my ability to draw a line on top of another line with much less pressure, although running into the sketchbook binding was another obstacle I had to overcome.

Overall I feel pretty good about how things turned out here. I'm eager to hear your critique!