Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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jasondbg in the post "Over the last few months, I've been working on a collaboration with Proko's team - a video about my experiences with Aphantasia (the inability to visualize the things I imagine in my head), and how I approach drawing from my imagination. And the video is finally out, on Proko's channel!"

2021-08-17 14:22

When I smoke a lot of pot sometimes, and pretty rare, I will see faces when going to sleep. It is always just faces and since I can't normally see anything in my mind's eye it is creepy more than anything. They are not in color, more of a greyscale.

jasondbg in the post "Over the last few months, I've been working on a collaboration with Proko's team - a video about my experiences with Aphantasia (the inability to visualize the things I imagine in my head), and how I approach drawing from my imagination. And the video is finally out, on Proko's channel!"

2021-08-17 14:20

Normally I explain how I "see" in my head as this.

You are in a room with the lights on you can see everything in the room, then you turn off the light and walk to the other side. You can't actually see the couch or table or whatever else is in the room but you know where they are and how big they are and likely could walk to the other side of the room without hitting anything. That is how I see when I close my eyes.