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James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2019-03-08 05:42

Phew. Thanks very much. Honestly, I find it really difficult, especially with the cars, in as much as I put hours of effort into each one and I knew they didn't look perfect and I couldn't put my finger on why. Hopefully that'll improve with time.

So I just wanted to use this chance to quickly ask you some advice on what to do next? Basically, I want to get good enough to one day be a concept artist or to at least have enough skill to find some kind of career in art (I know this seems an insane goal but I don't think I'd care to live without pipe-dreams). I am putting in as many hours of practice as I can each day.

My plan was, as I said before, to do Proko's Figure drawing course and then possibly move on to studying lighting/colour after that. What would you suggest?

I'll keep practising boxes etc throughout my life, I think, they seem the life blood of three dimensional drawing.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2019-03-07 15:18


Final boss fight, indeed. Here's my second take. Tried super hard and tried not to get too tilted at my own limited skill level. As always thanks in advance for your feedback

James_Rautha in the post "25 Wheel Challenge"

2019-02-13 12:03


here it is - Did get a little derailed en route to finishing this and some worked better than others but, as ever, was trying to ignore mistakes and push forward for the purposes of learning. Was pretty limited with my ellipse guides and I figured out part way through the markings on them weren't super accurate so I just did what I could. Thanks in advance :)

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-12-29 13:01

Brilliant, thank you. Will crack on with the 25 wheel challenge.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-12-28 13:27

First of all thank you for providing such detailed feedback so swiftly.

Ok, will look at the above material, submit the 25 wheel challenge, submit it then (hopefully) will take a second crack at drawing the vehicles.

So I just wanted to ask you about vanishing points - I've looked at some of the newer material above and I wondered if, perhaps, in my vehicles I was setting my V.Ps too far off the page? What I mean by that is in my 2PP drawings, some of them at least, I was aiming for left and right VPS to be really quite a distance off the page to the left and the right. Would it be better to set them just a little way back from where the page ends? instead of another half page distance away?

Sorry if this question is phrased poorly or is an over-simplification!

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-12-27 18:17


Here's my homework for lesson 7.

So, as usual, I found this crazy difficult and a sunk vast amount of time into it.

I noticed just as I finished you changed the criteria slightly and updated the website. I'm hoping you'll still provide feedback on this as I had *just* finished it.

I think, clearly, there are numerous mistakes throughout, however I kept holding onto your advice of mistakes will happen and we're here to learn how to draw, not to create pretty images. That said I've left the earlier, uglier, mistake addled images in as I think you can see improvement throughout (I hope so anyway!) specifically the first car I tried to draw sucked heavy but I feel by the time I got to the honda/smart roadster I started to understand a little better how to convey what I wanted.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your feedback.

As this is the last lesson I was planning on, once completing this, heading onto Proko's figure drawing course. Does this seem a good trajectory to you?


James_Rautha in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-11-20 14:09

Here's my 250 cylinder challenge homework:


This was probably a good idea as when I started I realised my cylinders were pretty poor. See exactly what you mean about too much tapering from my last homework - have developed a bad habit with that so was trying to consciously change this throughout this challenge.

I could see in other homework submissions people were including a few cylinders in boxes so I included some of these also.

Thanks for the feedback as always.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-11-17 02:39

Ok - thanks for the feedback - will take this on board going forward.

Yeah, I think looking at cylinders sounds good - would you be happy to have a look at the 250 cylinder challenge if I submit that in the correlating thread? I feel it would probably be wise to get through that if it's going to come in handy for lesson 7 (and for my overall drawing)

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-11-16 15:41

Here's my lesson 6 homework:


As ever I did struggle with this in terms of learning to accept my mistakes and to accept my ability is not going to be up there with the best of them (not yet, anyway!)

Towards the end of this lesson I feel I've made a really significant breakthrough personally - although it's not strictly related to this type of drawing I started forcing myself to practice in absolute silence without any technology around to distract me - throughout the last few lessons my max focus time was probably about 20-25 mins per session, I'm now able to practice for just over an hour at a time. Hopefully I can carry this habit forwards and my ability to focus continues to increase.

Anyhow, thanks in advance for your feedback.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-08-23 11:03


Here's my attempt at lesson 5. I attempted some animals hundreds of time and found this really difficult.

As always thanks in advance for your feedback - I know you're a busy man.


Also I was hoping you could advise me how to draw feathers as a texture with ink? Couldn't figure it out for the life of me. Thanks!

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-04-04 08:51

That's great, thank you very much!

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-04-03 18:08


My homework :) Sorry it took so long! Spend too long on practicing each one at first... towards the end learned to obsess a little less and actually finish some drawings.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-11-27 05:49

Awesome, thank you very much :) Spent a long time practicing each bit so to get that feedback is great. As I move on I will go back and retry the fruit with 2 intersecting balls just to see how different it is using that approach.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-11-26 13:58


Lesson 3 homework for critique (finally!)

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-09-08 04:47

Awesome, thanks a lot man. Will crack on with lesson 3 now then, will ensure to do those warm-ups. Will definatley be looking to practice my ghosting. The picture showing the pyramid construction is really handy, thank you.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-09-06 23:38


Here's my lesson 2 submission.

I found this lesson really hard. I've had to spend a huge amount of time on each excersizes repeating them over and over and, to be honest, I feel a bit intimidated by how good some of my peers on here are! At one point I wondered if I might be practicing one excersize in isoloation too much? For example on the texture/intersection excersize I spent weeks practicing. Eventually when I came back to drawing boxes, I had to really brush up on it because it had been so long. I think perhaps this blinkered style of praciticing was a bit limiting.

The form intersection excersize in particular I found super challenging. I kept at it but I fell into this horrible mentality of 'everything has to look perfect' so I started literally scrunching up bits of paper anytime I made a mistake... This lead to throwing huge amounts of practice/homework away because (shocker!) none of it was perfect. I eventually realised this was a bit silly so I just did 5/6 more pages and submitted what I had. There are mistakes, obviously, and I will confess I cannot really see how the forms sit together yet but I decided to follow your advice and just do my best.

One thing I would really appreciate if you could clear up though - how on earth do you figure out where the tip of a pyramid shape goes?! I can more or less figure out how to put the base of it down and figure out where the middle of that is, but I couldn't seem to figure out how to that correlates to where the tip goes? Sometimes drawing directly upwards just looked wrong?

Thanks in advance for any feedback, I'm sure you are a crazy busy person.

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-28 08:42

Thank you for the feedback, super encouraging. Onto lesson 2 it is (after reading the 250 box challenge notes as you mentioned.)

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-26 20:45

Hi - here is the full lesson 1 homework for review.


Thanks :)

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-07 14:35

Woops! Ha sorry man, I read that bit just after submitting - will conclude the entire lesson then submit the rest. Thanks!

James_Rautha in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-07 09:37

Hey, here is the homework for lesson 1 part 1 for critique :) http://imgur.com/a/PyC7J