Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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jabberdoggy in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-10-04 14:22

(although I guess I'll never know what the other path would have been like)

Well, you might end up like me, and make plans to walk the other path after retirement. :)

jabberdoggy in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-10-02 13:06

Those look great, and thanks for the link.

jabberdoggy in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-10-01 15:13

Wow, these are great.

I'm someone who likes bugs and insects (and yes, especially spiders), so I didn't find them unsettling, I found them beautiful and cool, and sometimes cute.

jabberdoggy in the post "Announcement: Lesson Topics and Resource Videos/Books"

2014-09-30 23:30

I was thinking it could be interesting if we did some exercises where we all work from the same reference photo, and capture the different stages of lay-in, construction, and finishing in an album.

I don't know if that would appeal to anyone else, but it would be helpful to me to see how others approach things (I am still wrestling with the plant exercise), and it would also be cool to see different takes on the same subject.

jabberdoggy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-09-25 12:16

Thank you. I will give that a try.

jabberdoggy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-09-25 00:04

Here is my homework for Lesson 3.

jabberdoggy in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-17 20:41

I am 48, so maybe the oldest one here?

Doing this for a couple of reasons. First, I always wanted to learn how to draw, but there was always some scheduling conflict when I was in school. This summer I decided to make time for it, and took an introductory art class, which I enjoyed a lot.

The other reason is I've started to think about what I want to do after I retire, and I think I would like to do a web comic. I've got some scripts I've been kicking around.

I have a few years to see how far I can get with it. If I can't get to the level of proficiency needed for a web comic, I figure it would at least help me learn to "speak the language" well enough to work with a real artist.

And if nothing else, learning new stuff keeps the old brain sharp.

Edit to add: Here are some sample pencil sketches.

jabberdoggy in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-09-05 20:58

Well, I can see I am going to have to put a lot more time into this to fix my wavy line problem. But that's to be expected, I suppose.

Here are my box-like objects.