Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
ifuckinghateu99's Comments | Check out their posts instead

ifuckinghateu99 in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2020-01-23 01:41

thank you! looking forward to that platform! really great work on building this community. ive just started using discord. while it is hard for me to figure out all the things i can do with the app, the fast feedback is really useful!

ifuckinghateu99 in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2020-01-21 02:24

im gonna try out discord

ifuckinghateu99 in the post "New? Lost? Read this intro to /r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com before you post anything"

2020-01-21 02:18

help! i dont know why its hard posting my progress here in reddit. im new to reddit and it oftentimes show "unable to post image" or "youre doing too much" yada yada and it takes a couple of minutes before it rejects my posts! id have to post it again then it would, again, reject it. i dont really know if making a discord account will be worth it since the only reason for signingbin is for drawabox.