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HeavyMetalJoe91 in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-11-15 04:23

I'm 23 years old and I've been drawing off and on (far more off than on) since I was five or so. But because I have taken such large breaks between drawing (years at a time) I am basically a complete beginner.

I took a drawing class during my freshman or sophomore year of high school, which was about 8/9 years ago now. I also took a ceramics class during high school as well, though I don't remember which year that was.

It's always been something I've wanted to do. When I was little it was my dream to be a comic book artist, an idea I got from reading those 'Captain Underpants' books. I recently decided to take drawing seriously when I was watching a clip from an interview with a movie director who was talking about the characters in his movie, sadly I cannot remember the name of the director or the movie. When talking about one of the characters he mentioned how she had all these ideas but no way of expressing them as she wasn't good at art, writing, or any other manner of creative expression and he mentioned how it is a terrible way to live. This really resonated with me as I go through my day daydreaming about characters, scenarios, stories, etc. but I have no means of expression and I decided that it was time to change that and start drawing.

I don't have any previous work to show, any old sketchbooks of mine have been thrown out long ago, hopefully in time, with help from these lessons, I'll have new art to show.

Your post over in /r/learntodraw brought me here.