Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Golden_Crane in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2015-04-19 19:03

Thanks for the reply. Not taking enough time is a problem I've had from the beginning, so patience is definitely something I've got to work on.

Golden_Crane in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2015-04-19 12:31

So annoying, It's always the same problem, messiness. There's lots of ink drawings that are messy, but look cool, while mine are just "bad-messy"


Golden_Crane in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-29 07:40

Thanks for the long reply. I'll wait for the next lesson, and do the new lesson 6 & 7.

Golden_Crane in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-03-28 21:48


I'm having trouble with likeness. Also how does one draw women without making them look like men? How do you draw teeth, without making the person look like a monster?

I don't really understand how one is supposed to use the proportions, when drawing from reference, do you mould the person into the proportions, or the other way around?

Also I used Michael Hamptons head proportions

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2015-03-13 19:21

Thanks for the reply. Cylinder intersection makes more sense now.

Should I continue with lesson 7, and then get back to lesson 6 when you post the newer version, or wait for lesson 6, and then go on to lesson 7?

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2015-03-10 20:35

Wow, this was really hard, especially after two and half months of no drawing. http://imgur.com/a/gh3Sl

Do you have tips on getting good proportions (lots of my vehicles look very skewed) and getting straight lines?

Another problem I have is how messy they look, I don't really know how to solve this, maybe i'm using the pen like a pencil?

Also I had problems with placing the wheels on the other "hidden" side of the vehicle, in perspective, any tips on this?

How does one draw the intersection of two cylinders? how does the perspective work on this?

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-12-28 20:46

Haha, maybe it is the animal after all...

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-12-28 19:43

Thanks for the critique.

You are definitely right with the defense mechanism thing. It's mostly because of the warthog drawings... When I did them I thought "I can't let him think I find these good". I realise that this was stupid, it won't happen again.

Golden_Crane in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-12-28 14:54

Really, I think I've been drawing my whole life, or at least from a very young age. When I became 13 I discovered the wonderful world of Anime and manga and fell in love with it. I started watching a little anime and read tons of manga. I decided that I wanted to become a mangaka (I still cringe at this), even though I only drew like once a month. So, I was copying from different manga and I don't think I improved, but I don't think I noticed that copying one drawing once a month would not help me.

A month after turning 15 I, for some reason, went on r/learnart for the first time and I found this post where someone was asking for some help on becoming a better at drawing manga. I opened it because I thought "Hey, I also want to become better at drawing manga". It sounds cheesy, but reading the replies changed my life. Basically they said to start with realism, and I remember reading someone that suggested Mark Crilley and another user replied with "I want to punch you in the dick for suggesting mark crilley". After reading these replies I nearly felt "enlightened", I realised that I actually did not find Mark Crilleys drawings any good, and that to learn I had to start with realis and that I had to draw more.

From that day on I started drawing an hour every day. Which is not very much, but it was a complete change for me. I was very motivated to do it too, so I never missed a day. All I did was drawing from life. I discovered ctrl+paints which helped me get better at drawing for life. My imagination work also improved, not so much because of drawing from life, but simply because I was not drawing flat "manga drawings" and was thinking more in 3d.

Now unfortunately, Summer break came and I went on vacation to france as we do every year, and my whole drawing schedule got messed up. When I came back again I had a hard time drawing an hour a day, for the rest of the year it was sort of on-off with serious drawing. Meaning I could have periods of two weeks where I would draw 1-2 hours a day and have 2 weeks where I would raw 1 hour for only two days. I was just drawing from life and improvement was slow or non-existent which made me quite sad and angry at my self.

Right before turning sixteen I was in middle school (10th year) and I had to apply for high school. For 10 years I had gone to a relatively tough private school, but all high schools were public ones. I thought "Sweet, these will be 3 easy years" and was looking forwards to it because I thought I would have time to draw a lot more than I did before.

From around that time I started feeling more and more clueless as to how to become better. I stopped drawing as much from life and wanted to focus on drawing from imagination so I bought Scott Robertsons "How to draw" book and Michael Hamptons figure drawing book. So for the summer before starting High School I just copied every image in Hamptons book (did not help a lot).

When it comes to my aspirations, I want to one day do it professionally. I can't think of anything that I would like doing other than drawing, because if I end up with some "normal" job I'd probably put a bullet through my head.

I absolutely hate going to school, I do not really like my teachers, I find all the classes to be very boring and uninteresting. I've never been to happy with my life, but I think I've never disliked it so much before. I'm actually a very good student, but that means nothing to me because school means nothing to me. Even though I say this, I still work very hard with school work, Why? I don't know. So School is taking up a large part of my time, and also because I procrastinate a lot I have a hard time actually drawing. I usually have some time to draw, but it's so hard to get in the "zone", I am not able to "put" my mind in a drawing mode, because I am constantly thinking about school. It's like this during weekends too, I'm not able to be completely "art minded", and everything I produce is shit. I need a long break to be able to really draw seriously. I'm looking so much forward to when I'm done with high school (in 2 and half years) so that I can finally just focus on drawing.

Not only do I have problem with time, but I also have problems with my arm/wrist. Since summer I have had, problems, possibly tendonitis/carpal tunnel syndrome. I think my work suffers because of it and it's really annoying (and somewhat painful)

2 months I "discovered" this subreddit, and I'm really glad that I did, because now I feel I know how to proceed, and how I should go on about studying things. Thank you for making this subreddit, making great lessons and giving great feedback.

2015 is approaching and my goals are to stop being such a bitch, become much more productive when it comes to school work so I have more time to draw, and draw more and more seriously.

TL;DR: I hate my current life, I don't like my drawings, but I love drawing.

Edit: Heres the post I was talking about.

Heres the comment

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-12-28 12:50


I'm quite unhappy with most of these. One problem in all of them is that they are all very messy.

1 (leopards) - I don't really like any of them. number 4 and 3 look okay I guess

2 (Rhino) - I think these are the best I have done. I especially like number 3, but I also think I did a good job on number 2. I don't know why these are so good (compared to the rest).

3. (Panda) - I think, even though there are some issues with proportions, they are all fairly good except for #5 which looks really flat.

4. (warthog) these are ridiculously bad.

5. (flamingo) I guess these are better than the warthogs, but they are still pretty bad.

6. (elephants) I decided to draw elephants because I thought since they sort of look like rhinoceroses they might turn out pretty good. They're not great, but better than the warthog and flamingo sketches. I sort of like #2 and #1

7. (hippo) again I tried an animal that sort of looks like a rhinoceros. They did not turn out very good except for #3 that sort of looks okay.

8. (kangaroo) None of these are that good. I tried to put in some texture, but I thought it was hard and it does not look good. #5 and #6 look somewhat okay.

9. (frog) They are not that good either. I like some things in #3.

In all of the sketches I had trouble with texture and messiness. I don't know why I managed to make somewhat good sketches for the second try/animal (rhino) while everything after became pretty bad.

Golden_Crane in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-21 14:29

Thank you very much!

I forgot to ask some questions... Do you have any tips on getting the right line length with drawing with the shoulder, because a lot of time the lines go a bit to far. Also with the line weight, should I press harder for the darker lines from the beginning or/and go over the line again. And when going over the line should I do this slowly, getting a more accurate, but less confident looking line or should I draw over with my elbow and risking that the lines go everywhere?

Golden_Crane in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-12-20 14:37

250 boxes

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-24 20:23


I think #1 and #4 turned out the best.

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-14 18:54

Heres the two pages. I still feel something is wrong/bad with them, but I can't put my finger on it.

I have two questions:

On the first one (the cockroach) I separated into black and white, but I'm wandering how you would do it, would you separate it into three values? (heres the picture I used)

And what kind of brush pen (if that's what you use)do you use to fill in large black areas?

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-09 20:30

Here's my homework. Do you have any tips on drawin hairy things like [this spider] (http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/wiredscience/2013/10/geekspider.jpg)?

Golden_Crane in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-11-03 20:32

Here's my homework. on #10 I attempted to draw a tree, as you can see it did not turn out very well, do you have any tips on drawing these kinds of trees?