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glorychildthe in the post "when you do the 250 box challenge what do you do to make sure that all lines converge correctly?"

2023-03-19 22:05

goated method!

glorychildthe in the post "when you do the 250 box challenge what do you do to make sure that all lines converge correctly?"

2023-03-15 20:40

So I have two methods that work for me. I don't always get it right but whenever I do I can trace it to one of these methods.

The first is for very dramatic perspective. If the perspective I am using is very dramatic and the vanishing point is somewhere close I just visualize and remember where the vanishing point is and then I ghost the line all the way to the vanishing point to get the angle right. I'm quite a visual person so at this point I almost see the line on the page before drawing it. I then do the same for the line that is supposed to meet that line and when I do this I plot down the point where the two lines are supposed to meet. Then I draw the lines.

If the vanishing point is far I ghost over the line that is parallel and rely on the muscle memory of the ghosting movement to then draw the line, shifting it's angle ever so slightly towards the line I previously ghosted for reference.

In terms of knowing what to look for and which lines to angle more etc, you will learn this and come up with rules and reference points for yourself by taking some time to study the page you have just finished after you mark it. I study every page and look at where the mistakes were made and try to track back to the moment I did it so I can then re-adjust for the next page.

Also what I found very interesting the few times I drew more than 15 boxes in one session is that at one point it wasn't necessary for me to do any of the techniques I just described earlier, I would almost see the box on the paper before drawing it and my instincts tended to get the perspective at least as succesful as when I took my time with ghosting a lot.