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GhrabThaar in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-21 05:35

It had been some time since I read through the intersection lesson, so that was my mistake. Also, I've added some head construction/circles to my warmups for extra mileage, so hopefully that helps me in the next few weeks. Thanks as always for your time!

GhrabThaar in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-19 21:27

Lesson 2 homework.

This one was rough. The draw-through on the arrows makes them look wrong to me. I know that's the only issue, as sketching them out and erasing the draw-through remedies it. I guess I'll try drawing them wider and being more careful with line weights.

Geometric intersections gave me headaches the first two days, but I finally figured it out near the end. I definitely need to do more and I'll come back to them often with shading exercises, but I think I'm on the right track now.

Organic intersections were pretty fun, probably because I wasn't spending my time on them dreading constructing pyramids.

GhrabThaar in the post "How to Approach Drawing Texture"

2016-02-05 00:44

Thanks for the thought-out reply. I know this is a common sentiment, and I think the easy place to go with it is that I can see what I'm doing doesn't match the examples -> I could do better -> this isn't the best I could do. I'll take another stab at the form intersections (where I got to) and see how it goes.

GhrabThaar in the post "How to Approach Drawing Texture"

2016-02-04 09:53

Texture was the thing that drove me away from Lesson 2's dissections. I can get the "detail overload" version looking correct (See example here, but simplification of a constant texture like that does not register to my brain as meaningful. To me, your leaf there doesn't look like the same leaf at all, and lesson 2's self-critique "paint chip sausage" examples look absolutely nothing alike.

I would like to finish the lesson and submit, but my brain is just rejecting all of this information. I'm kind of at a loss.

GhrabThaar in the post "With the start of a new year, comes the reopening of critiques and a bunch of updates to the website!"

2016-01-10 06:12

Hey, just checked back to go over the form intersection lesson and saw all the new stuff. The self-critique is very helpful and the new lessons look fun. Thanks again for putting in so much work on this, I'd probably never have gotten anywhere if I hadn't found it.

GhrabThaar in the post "A revision on the near-far plane rule for boxes in perspective"

2015-10-31 05:41

If books aren't your thing, check out Mark Crilley's youtube tutorials about illustrating scenes in 1- 2- and 3- point perspective. I think they complement Lesson 1 very well, giving some more concrete practice and context for the drawabox lessons.

GhrabThaar in the post "My thoughts on inspiration and motivation, and how to deal with their absence"

2015-09-15 04:38

The same thing gets tossed around writing circles constantly. People try to find ways out of writing and make excuses and blame some ephemeral muse...

None of that means anything. All that matters is putting your ass in the chair and banging something to fill the empty word processor. Replace appropriate tools for art and it's exactly the same.

GhrabThaar in the post "As promised, August is over and critiques are open once again"

2015-09-03 06:17

This seems like a decent place to add a related question. I've been having serious problems with vertical lines only. I've been working on lesson 1 for a little over a week (from zero training whatsoever) and can do horizontal lines from the shoulder well enough. however, +/- 10 degrees from a vertical line makes my entire arm want to do an S shape, regardless of line length.

Practice makes it better, slowly, but is there a common mechanical problem that causes this that I could directly pay attention to, or am I just weird?