Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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furrysparks in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-16 02:29

I know it is, self confidence has always been a problem for me. I've been working on it and gotten better, but it still comes back when I'm new at something.

furrysparks in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2015-01-14 06:10

Hey, I guess I should do this thing... might make me more hesitant to back out or give up if I feel more connected to the community.

I'm 21, and I've not really been seriously drawing at all... I've tried to do like one thing once a year for probably like 5 years, but I never put any real effort into it. The art classes I've ever taken were in middle school and high school, but those don't really count and didn't teach me much. I don't want to do it professionally, its probably a bit late for that as I'm about to graduate, I just would like to be able to do it as a hobby. Plus to be honestly I don't think I'd be able to have the focus and drive to get that good.

I don't have any drawings I'd be willing to show... pretty sure I've shredded all of them, because they were bad. I know that's to be expected, but the subject matter was slightly embarrassing too. If I had them in my hands again right now, I'd probably do the same thing again. I will never let those see the light of day... although this is now making me feel like I should have used my alt account for these lessons.

I'm not really sure if now is the best time to be starting these lessons as I'm kind of under a lot of stress right now, but if I keep putting it off I'll never start it. I'm hoping within a year I'll have kept up with drawing and be able to draw something that's not total garbage a straight line, but that may be too much to ask =P.

furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-13 04:53

Man that's a lot of boxes, I'll start working on them but I'm only going to be able to do a little at a time probably with how busy/stressful these upcoming weeks/months are going to be. I'm trying to make sure I do a little of it every day though.

Again, thanks a ton for doing all of this! This is a huge help, and surprisingly good at making me stick with it so far.

furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-12 06:20

Hey, I attempted it again. http://imgur.com/a/z9PBz

I feel bad that you have to spend so much time on someone's first lesson, but thanks a ton for all of the work you're doing on this.

furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-09 05:12

The dumb part is I know about the drawing the farther plane smaller, and kept thinking about it but I still kept drawing pretty much every single box wrong in the organic perspective. I just have trouble getting my mind around how to draw them even though I know how the perspective is supposed to work in theory. I hope I can get past this at some point, I'm going to go nuts if I'm just drawing boxes for three months.

It didn't help that I kept getting more and more discouraged as I went on, but that's just something I have to work on.

furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-08 07:03

Hey... I hope I'm doing this right. I'm a total beginner to all kinds of drawing and art, so I'm not sure if I belong here, or if I need to sign up or what.

All I had was a ballpoint pen and some scrap paper, but I decided to give it a try... the result is pretty bad and it took a lot of forcing to get myself through it, and even more to actually post it. Guess I might as well do it right before I go to sleep so that I don't have time to get anxious and stress myself out over it. The more I look at it and what other people I have done the less I want to post it so time to get it out of the way.


I can tell my perspective is all kinds of messed up in the last part, and my lines are just really way too wobbly in general. There's also quite a few places where I messed up really badly and tried to fix it by going over it. I'm pretty clumsy...