furrysparks in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"
2015-01-14 06:10
Hey, I guess I should do this thing... might make me more hesitant to back out or give up if I feel more connected to the community.
I'm 21, and I've not really been seriously drawing at all... I've tried to do like one thing once a year for probably like 5 years, but I never put any real effort into it. The art classes I've ever taken were in middle school and high school, but those don't really count and didn't teach me much. I don't want to do it professionally, its probably a bit late for that as I'm about to graduate, I just would like to be able to do it as a hobby. Plus to be honestly I don't think I'd be able to have the focus and drive to get that good.
I don't have any drawings I'd be willing to show... pretty sure I've shredded all of them, because they were bad. I know that's to be expected, but the subject matter was slightly embarrassing too. If I had them in my hands again right now, I'd probably do the same thing again. I will never let those see the light of day... although this is now making me feel like I should have used my alt account for these lessons.
I'm not really sure if now is the best time to be starting these lessons as I'm kind of under a lot of stress right now, but if I keep putting it off I'll never start it. I'm hoping within a year I'll have kept up with drawing and be able to draw something that's not total garbage a straight line, but that may be too much to ask =P.
furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2015-01-13 04:53
Man that's a lot of boxes, I'll start working on them but I'm only going to be able to do a little at a time probably with how busy/stressful these upcoming weeks/months are going to be. I'm trying to make sure I do a little of it every day though.
Again, thanks a ton for doing all of this! This is a huge help, and surprisingly good at making me stick with it so far.
furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2015-01-12 06:20
Hey, I attempted it again. http://imgur.com/a/z9PBz
I feel bad that you have to spend so much time on someone's first lesson, but thanks a ton for all of the work you're doing on this.
furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2015-01-09 05:12
The dumb part is I know about the drawing the farther plane smaller, and kept thinking about it but I still kept drawing pretty much every single box wrong in the organic perspective. I just have trouble getting my mind around how to draw them even though I know how the perspective is supposed to work in theory. I hope I can get past this at some point, I'm going to go nuts if I'm just drawing boxes for three months.
It didn't help that I kept getting more and more discouraged as I went on, but that's just something I have to work on.
furrysparks in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"
2015-01-08 07:03
Hey... I hope I'm doing this right. I'm a total beginner to all kinds of drawing and art, so I'm not sure if I belong here, or if I need to sign up or what.
All I had was a ballpoint pen and some scrap paper, but I decided to give it a try... the result is pretty bad and it took a lot of forcing to get myself through it, and even more to actually post it. Guess I might as well do it right before I go to sleep so that I don't have time to get anxious and stress myself out over it. The more I look at it and what other people I have done the less I want to post it so time to get it out of the way.
I can tell my perspective is all kinds of messed up in the last part, and my lines are just really way too wobbly in general. There's also quite a few places where I messed up really badly and tried to fix it by going over it. I'm pretty clumsy...
furrysparks in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"
2015-01-16 02:29
I know it is, self confidence has always been a problem for me. I've been working on it and gotten better, but it still comes back when I'm new at something.