Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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freecandysketch in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-15 20:57

I'm actually the opposite! I've worked with pencils, pens and charcoal almost exclusively until fairly recently. Sadly I have only the tiniest understanding of color because I don't paint and rarely use my color marker collection. I plan on using the thread to improve both my skills!

freecandysketch in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-09-15 20:06

Hi! I've been drawing since I was little but I haven't really taken it seriously since college. I do comedy and people have been asking me to help with logos and flyers lately. I want to start practicing again, and I want to start working on digital painting/sketching. When it comes to other things (comedy, karate, etc) I have a beginner's mind. But I've always been a little arrogant about my drawing abilities and now that I'm so out of practice it is not at all warranted. I want to cultivate that beginner's mind again.

Anyways, I lurk in /r/DigitalPainting and I saw a link to this and now I'm lurking here. I haven't posted yet. But I read the lessons very intently. I started to use the first lesson on my newish fancy computer screen, but then I realized the pen sensitivity was off so I'm working on fixing that.