Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
foxconlon's Comments | Check out their posts instead

FOXCONLON in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-08 19:40

Looking forward to seeing how it develops! Ill be around for awhile.

FOXCONLON in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-08 18:03

Fair enough. I can see where the community management would get out of hand with something like this. There's a lot of information to juggle (in terms of both the classwork and the rules) and Reddit's UI can make it difficult to direct user's attention in the right direction.

I'll be bummed to see the single exercise posts go! Maybe someday on the site users can have featured pieces on their profile for critique or something along those lines? Not sure how feasible implementing this would be given that images are mostly hosted off-site on imgur.

I personally enjoy being able to see a single exercise that someone put a lot of time into in their coursework, but sometimes don't have the time to address all of the other exercises in a critique, so I'll skip out on saying something.

FOXCONLON in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-08 17:32

I think a good compromise could be laying ground rules for partial submissions. Maybe they could be limited to 1 per lesson per user? And you could encourage them to be more pictorial exercises that require more time (plotted perspective as opposed to ghosted lines.)

Long-form feedback is already encouraged on the website and all of those lessons are consolidated into one place. I think having single exercises available on the subreddit (with ground rules laid out) would give people some cool stuff to look at.

I personally stumbled across this sub and saw some nicely done exercises and went to the users post history and saw how they improved, so I hopped on board. Im sure some other people have done so as well since the reason I visited was I had seen the subreddit linked numerous times in other art subs.

I understand your reasoning but as I said, I think theres a middle ground approach that might work well here. If theres an implementation of some rules in a FAQ that people are encouraged to read, that could reduce single exercise spamming and encourage quality-over-quantity posting.

FOXCONLON in the post "Partial lesson submissions and single exercises will no longer be accepted on this subreddit, but you can get feedback on individual exercises on the Discord Chat Server. More information in this post."

2020-05-08 17:06

I personally foresee this deadening activity on the sub. Full lessons are available on the website hub for critique. Posting single exercises for feedback gives people who stumble on this sub (I was one of these people) something to look at. Now its just going to be a bunch of links to albums with similar titles.

Kinda de-incentivizes the appeal of the subreddit. Look which posts get the most engagement.