Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
floatingoutthere's Comments | Check out their posts instead

FloatingOutThere in the post "As promised, August is over and critiques are open once again"

2015-09-19 16:03

Thank you very much

FloatingOutThere in the post "As promised, August is over and critiques are open once again"

2015-09-19 09:26

Hey! The sticky for newbies is no longer commentable on so I thought it'd be ok if I asked a quick question not lesson related on this thread.

I've looked at the first lesson and the homework but the FabrelCastel pens I've bought do not have the size written on it but just a quick classification. So I wondered if you could take a look at this and tell me which is the best size to do your exersices.

Thanks a lot for all your work!