Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
fish_lover12's Comments | Check out their posts instead

fish_lover12 in the post "NEW TO /r/ARTFUNDAMENTALS? Don't know what Drawabox is? Read this first."

2022-01-27 13:52

how to use Foreshortening when drawing boxes should i make the lines converge toward a vanishing point more to make it look bigger and and more narrow to make it smaller and does this only work in 2 point and 3 point perspective only or does it also work in 1 point perspective

fish_lover12 in the post "NEW TO /r/ARTFUNDAMENTALS? Don't know what Drawabox is? Read this first."

2021-12-04 14:43

any tips for drawing confidently i can draw lines pretty confidently but anything other that that and my whole arm starts to shake