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Faldoras in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants (version 3)"

2015-10-31 16:58

Here you go! second attempt at drawing plants!

To be honest, I think I did pretty shit. I can't seem to stop scribbling, and I can't get my line thickness under control so whenever a lay-in has a lot of lines going through eachother it quickly looks messy, but that's just my opinion.

Thanks for all of your efforts!

please don't have me draw even more plants...

ps. Here's my previous attempt, if you needed that for whatever reason...

Faldoras in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 2)"

2015-07-25 20:51

Hello again! Here's my lesson number 2!

The arrows were slightly more difficult than expected, I'm having a hard time controlling the thickness of the lines, making the shading a little harder.

The Organic Forms and the Dissections though... I'm very proud of them. I had a lot of fun using references and drawing those details.

I had some issues with the Form Intersections at first, but I feel like I really improved toward the later pages.

so there you have it! thanks again for all your effort!

Faldoras in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 2)"

2015-07-16 21:10

Hey there. it's me, colored pen guy! I actually got hold of some of those Staedler pigment liners you mentioned halfway through doing all of this, so you'll see half in colour and half in black.

This was loads of fun to do. It took a lot of time and effort too, so I hope it turned out alright: here you go. thanks again for taking the time out of your day to manage this whole subreddit!