Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Eraisui in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-07-12 08:52

Thank you for the feedback =] Is it lesson 2 I go on to now?

Eraisui in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-07-10 14:03

Here's my 250 boxes. I got a lot of good practice out of this though I feel I'm not quite there yet with creating a solid form and making all planes look as though they're facing each other. Many thanks in advance.


Eraisui in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-06-18 19:45

No worries at all thank you for the prompt, in-depth reply despite your work commitments. I'll work on applying your advice through 250 box challenge, thanks again.

Eraisui in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-06-14 16:42


Here is my completed lesson 1, many thanks in advance. The first few pictures require some zooming in - if you need these redoing just let me know, I misread and was using a 0.05...

I feel I should comment on the rotated boxes exercise, I could not get it to look decent so submitted my best try at it. The struggle I found was with knowing how big and how far apart to make my initial boxes so that the inbetweeners could rotate to the degree yours were in the example. It reminded me of why I struggle with making many 'finished' drawings though. I'll sketch lightly and then add more and more detail but then that helps me see that my initial sketch was wonky. Basically until I fill in the blank space between the initial elements I can't see that the drawing is disproportioned. Is there any way I can work on this problem or will it sort itself with practice?