Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2019-02-28 19:51

Ah, thanks, Uncomfortable. Your kind words do mean a lot. I can see everything that you've pointed out, and I thank you for doing so.

If I'm being honest, I'm starting to feel a little burnt out on this hard surface stuff. I feel like a slight change of pace will do me well, so I'm going to take a little time to dabble in Proko's figure courses to revitalize a bit, and then I'll be back, hopefully refreshed and with more vigour than I feel I could give the wheel challenge/vehicle lesson if I jumped into them now.

As always, thank you for your feedback, and see you again in a little while.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2019-02-27 20:07

Just realized I forgot my form intersections; sorry about that. I uploaded them to the same gallery linked above, so they should be there now.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2019-02-27 01:15

Hello Uncomfortable,

Here's my submission for lesson 6. I had both challenges and areas of success with this one. I certainly made mistakes, and I've certainly learned. I won't go into detail, as I value your thoughts on the work more than I do recounting my own thoughts here. Thanks for taking the time, and I hope you're well.

dvdjrnx in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2019-02-11 00:25

Thanks for the feedback, Uncomfortable; always appreciated. And you are certainly right about my inner lines diverging or converging too much from time to time.

One of the things that stuck with me while working through these was just how little room for error there really was when laying down a stroke. It was surprising how even just the slightest increase or decrease in an intended angle would throw off the construction. This was usually apparent in the draw-throughs, and particularly in those inner lines for the reasons you mentioned.

I'll go ahead and get started on Lesson 6 and will post the results in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I hope you keep well.

dvdjrnx in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2019-02-10 03:06

Hey Uncomfortable (and TA's),

I know that you had given me a pass on this challenge earlier on, but after getting to the everyday objects lesson, I decided that I wanted to take this on, as I could see the value in getting the mileage in. I also wanted to work on understanding what a cube looks like in perspective. I wanted see if I could uncover some characteristics I could look to in order to more reliably freehand cubes and use them as units of measure within my constructions.

I also used the challenge as an opportunity to work on adding line weight to silhouettes with single, confident strokes. In the beginning, it's fairly off the mark, creating double lines quite often, but I could definitely see and feel improvement towards the end.

In any case, here's my submission. I certainly learned a lot and am glad that I put the work in. Thanks in advance for your feedback, and I hope you've been well.

dvdjrnx in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-01-22 03:10

Hey Uncomfortable, it is the least I can do, really. Everything that you mentioned in your other comment is completely fair, and you do deserve to be well-compensated for the service you're providing. I am sincerely grateful and appreciative of it. I also appreciate that you shared your view of submission frequency and how it relates to your workload/return. I hadn't been mindful enough of that.

As for why I've been submitting so much recently, that's simply a matter of this being how I spend my free time. I have goals that I want to achieve and a long plan of future courses and lessons to get through, but I was hoping to be able to finish up with Drawabox (my starting point) before moving into new territory. That said, I want to be sure that I'm not taking advantage of your generosity when it comes to your time, so I will be sure to spread out my submissions and get started on a new course to fill the gaps between these lessons.

Again, thank you for everything, including this latest feedback (there's a key insight in there for me). I've been wanting to get serious about my traditional art skills for a while now, and all of this has proven to be a fantastic starting point, giving a much-needed boost of confidence in what I thought were a lacking set of skills. I'll see you in at least a couple of weeks with my submission of lesson 6. Take care until then.

dvdjrnx in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-01-21 03:45

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my 250 Cylinder Challenge submission, coming on the heels of my last submission (I had started work on it after my first animals submission while waiting for feedback).

The cylinders in boxes portion was tough, but I didn't really make it any easier on myself. I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone with box construction and try some different approaches than the one I would default to in the past, which was making a Y to start things off. This time around I experimented with constructing different faces first, or just going with things edge by edge in different orders. I did, admittedly, find myself getting backed into a corner with some of my attempts, but in the spirit of being bold, it did help to further my understanding of boxes in 3D space while getting a better grip on the construction of cylinders/circles/squares in perspective.

In any case, thank you in advance for taking the time to look things over, and my apologies for the lack of numbering on the boxed cylinders/clutter of error checking marks. Hope you're well!

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2019-01-19 19:40

Hey Uncomfortable,

Thank you, sincerely, for the honest constructive criticism; I know its just what I need to grow. Ive gone ahead and completed the extra animals which can be found here. I think I can still do better with the sausage approach to legs, but I did make the effort to construct forms of connected spheres rather than stretched balls/ellipses. In any case, looking forward to your feedback, and hope your day is going well.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2019-01-16 01:44

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here is my lesson 5 submission. This one was a lot of fun, even if it did take a while. I really learned a lot while working through it.

Thanks in advance, as usual, for your feedback, and for the lessons in general; they're a great service to the community.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-12-31 23:26

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's submission number four. Had a lot of fun with this one. I was consistently surprised to see what was coming out on the page from what I initially felt were crude shapes (though I did always try to make them well, of course). I do still have a good ways to go, but my confidence in all of this is really improving. Thanks for providing a path for that.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-12-29 22:45

Thanks for the feedback, Uncomfortable. I think your points resonate well with mistakes I had noticed while working through the exercises myself, so Im glad my ability to self-critique seems at least fairly on point. Really enjoying the lessons, and feeling great about the progress Ive been able to make so far. Thanks for making that possible, and see you in lesson 4s thread.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-12-28 05:46

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here is my submission for lesson 3. Definitely saw some growth as I worked through these and have been able to identify areas for improvement. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and as usual, thank you in advance for sharing them.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-12-11 02:39

Great; thank you for the feedback, Uncomfortable. I agree that I have a fair amount of room for improvement in my contour lines. I'll keep being mindful of that and try to get them to wrap tightly around my forms. See you in the lesson three thread!

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2018-12-09 21:23

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my submission for lesson two. Apologies for the smudging on the exercises surrounding the dissections; guess it may be a good idea for me to pick up some fixative. In any case, looking forward to your feedback, and thanks, as usual, for taking the time to provide it.

dvdjrnx in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-11-24 15:22

Hey Uncomfortable,

Here's my entry for lesson 1. Thank you in advance for taking the time to look it over. Looking forward to hearing your feedback.