Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Due-Dependent-1202 in the post "Questions: About Pen and Username change on website."

2022-08-13 19:28

I see, I will go through lesson zero and one again!

Thank you and Have a great time ahead.

Due-Dependent-1202 in the post "Questions: About Pen and Username change on website."

2022-08-13 19:02

Oh thank you, I will continue with ball point pen, oh and shall I restart lesson 1 (as its almost around 9 months since i did those) or just dive into 250 boxes with some warmups from lesson 1?

And I can't express how thankful I'm for you to provide such wonderful resources easily available for the world <3. Godspeed for your projects and my best wishes for your future!

Also sorry for the weird grammar in my post.